Chapter 3

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~ Anna's POV ~

When we got to the house, I went upstairs to my room and turned on my TV. I watched some Drake and Josh until my brother walked in.

"Hey" he said while he sat on my bed. "H-" he cut me off before I could even finish the word. "I just want you to know, that you can't do anything about it. And you couldn't do anything about it. It was something I had to deal with on my own, and I didn't want you getting involved." "I know Jonah, I'm just upset that you didn't tell someone about it. It hurts to know that you've been hiding it from everyone. Especially me, since we tell each other everything." I said. "I know. I'm sorry" and I didn't reply after that.

We sat there in silence for a while. I decided to brake it and said "I'm sorry this happened to you. I really am. What you did was good, and I'm proud of you Jonah." After I said that, I gave him a hug. We talked about random stuff on my little balcony, and he decided to go back to his room and go to sleep. I guess I should too since it's 11:00, and we were going over to our neighbors house tomorrow for lunch.

I changed, and climbed into bed, and got on my phone and checked my social medias. All of my friends were having sleepovers and posting them on snapchat, and Instagram. Guess they're having fun without me.

I waited until it was 11:11 and made a wish. The same wish I make every night, and morning. And then I shut my phone off, and soon fell asleep, thinking about how I'll miss all of my friends.


I woke up, and checked the time. It was 10:00, and we had to be at the neighbors by 12. I got up and took a shower. I got out and changed into a t-shirt, and some shorts. And put my hair up in a ponytail, then brushed my teeth. By the time I was done, it was 11:00. I went back in my room and watched TV, and got on Instagram then logged into my Daniel Skye fan account.

I feel so loved on my fan account than my personal account. I don't know if that's just me..or whatever. I looked to see that I had 10 new followers. See what I mean? Loved. I followed them all back and got off my phone because it was almost time to go to the neighbors house.

I went downstairs to meet my mom, and my brother waiting for me. My dad couldn't go, since he's looking for a new job. We went out the door, and walked next door. My mom knocked on the door, and a nice lady answered it. She looks really pretty, and really familiar too.

I went inside and saw a little boy, that looked about 8. He looked familiar as well. I know I've seen him somewhere! "Hi, your really pretty." He said looking at me up and down. .. Ok, this just became really awkward. "Sorry about him. Hi, my names Esther." The lady who opened the door said, and extended her arm out to shake my hand. That's when it hit me. I know her, I know him, because it's Daniel Skye's family!!

OMG, OMG!! That's all that's going through my head!! I'm in Daniel Skye's home! I've never thought I'd ever say those words! Oh my gosh. Ok. I need to calm down before I start crying, or I'll fangirl like crazy!

"Anna, don't be rude." My mom said. Then I realized I haven't shook her hand yet. I shook her hand, and told her my name. I swear, if Daniel comes down those steps I'll cry forever! And just as I was thinking that, he came Running down the steps. My eyes started watering. "Honey what's wrong?" My mom asked. I just pointed at Daniel, while he was coming down the steps on his phone. "Daniel, get off of your phone." Esther said. "Ok mom. When are the neighbors coming?" He asked still looking at his phone. "Get off your phone, and you'll find the answer!" She said.

He locked his phone, and looked at me while I was crying, still pointing to him. "Aww are you a fan?" He asked. All I could do was nod my head. I was speechless. "Aww, don't cry." He said, as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back of course. I was thinking to myself, if I don't stop crying..he'll think I'm weird! I let go of him, and he asked me if I was ok. I nodded my head, and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry." I said to everyone. "There's no reason to be sorry." They all said.

After that, we went to go eat.


"Daniel, why don't you show Anna around town?" Esther said. "Alright" he said as he grab my hand and led me out the door.

He grabbed my hand? Wow!

"Yes, I did. Is that okay?" He chuckled a little.

"Oh my gosh.. Did I really say that out loud?" I said, and I swear I blushed. I looked away for a little bit.

"Haha, yeah you did. It's ok." He said smiling.

Oh my gosh, his smile is perfect!


A/N : Hey guys! I hope you like this book! I have a lot of ideas for this book!

I'll probably update daily, because it's summer, and I have nothing better to do with my life. :'( lol. If I don't update daily, then I probably have something going on.

Thank you guys, for this book. It means a lot (:

~ Anna

Give me your hand (A Daniel Skye fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now