1. White Boy's Girlfriend

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September, 1996

Amara's POV:

"Damn it! Damn it!" I shout underneath my breath as my oh-so reliable car engine sputters. This is the 3rd time this week this piece of junk quits on me before work. I absolutely can't be late for work again; my boss would fire me on the spot. I've got two jobs and am on thin ice with BOTH of them. Nova's lazy ass couldn't give two shits if I lost the job and we got evicted, because currently she's ho'ing it up with whatever poor victim she's sunk her claws in.

I love Nova, really I do, but FUCK! Would it kill her to help me out and stop using men to get her by a day in her life? I step out of the good for nothing car. I kick it out of pure frustration, and instantly wince in pain. The shell of the car being the only part of it that works. "Shit!" I grunt.

I take a deep exhale and look around the parking lot. The area is definitely not no safe place to be for a long time. "Fuuuck." I mumble as I slam one of my hands against my face and drag it down all stressed like. 

I'm about to go back inside and look for anything I have inside to get this car to start when I hear a voice that I recognize from hearing her screech and scream through my walls at ungodly hours.

"You need some help?" A busty blonde with an absolutely horrendous dye job is stood five feet away from me holding a little girl in her arms. She seems under a year old.

"Uh- yeah actually... do you think you could give me a ride?"  Yes I asked her for help. Sue me. I'm desperate. So what if she's a crack whore? She's a generous one as of now and I'll take ANYTHING.

"Sure. Get in." She opens the backseat door to the car parked parallel to mine. It looks like just as much a piece of shit as mine is. Doesn't matter as long as it gets me to work.

She puts the small little girl, who looks really upset, in the car seat that's jammed into the seat, I mean damn, someone really lost their temper with that car seat the seat is torn up where the car seat was meant to be.

I smile at her thankfully. God is finally on my side for once! I get into the passenger seat of her car, thanking the gods above for her offer.

She gets in the driver's side and places the key in angry like. She's obviously upset by whatever. "Where you goin'?" She says, her voice implying anything but happiness.

"Just down the road, Rena's general."

She doesn't respond, she nods and starts to drive. There's awkward silence and tension in the car for some reason.

"So... you're that white boys baby mama...Kim right?" I ask, very bluntly. It might've been a little rude but it's my question. I don't filter much.

Her face twists into annoyance and she nods. "Mhm." I can tell she's sizing me up. The atmosphere is really uncomfortable.

She's a lot of woman. She's much taller than I am, so admittedly I'm intimidated.

The car rolls to a stop, and I notice that we're outside of Rena's. She's not even making eye contact with me just waiting for me to get out.

"Well thank you." I utter getting ready to hop out. I wave at the little baby in the car seat, who smiles at me.

Im not sure what the baby's name is, something with an H.

That bitch seriously gave me bad vibes. Like as soon as I got out of that car I get the feeling I've done something I really shouldn't have.

The only reason I even knew her name is because I here my neighbor Marshall screaming it at her. I know Marshall's name cause Kim screams it, both when their arguing and fucking.

My damn ears need a break. I know way to much about that woman and what her pussy feels like.

I throw my purse over my shoulder and walk into the cafe. My eyes are really low, my makeup is done simply. My hair is straightened, the naturally curly hair permed and dyed blonde.

I tend to go back and forth from blonde to brown to a reddish brown, I especially like blonde. I think it's a look for me, because my roots are dyed and I don't look like I'm from a trailer park.

I'm dressed in my uniform already, so I don't need to change all I need to do is clock in. I walk in and take in my surroundings.

The morning is still early so the store hasn't opened yet, so the place is clean and quiet. I sigh out, here goes the rest of my damn day.

8 hours later.

I'm silently cursing my life and everyone in it. My feet hurting immensely, I've been on them all day and now I'm walking home.

Nova hasn't answered her phone and I'm about ready to chop her fucking head off. Anger is flaring through me, like a fire.

Every step I force my feet to take, I regret my existence. Finally I make it to my street, and this is where my anxiety shoots up.

I've seen so many people get mugged and shot. I cross my fingers and pray to god.

Just as I make it to the apartment complex parking lot, I hear crazy people shouting across the street at the nice man next doors house.

I turn around to see two fools screaming at Mr. Barkley, I roll my eyes. I see Marshall screaming with his friend I recognize as Andy? I'm not quite sure.

I've seen Andy around, he's one of those dudes that hang out in alleys doin' sketchy shit. He's what Mr. Barkley calls troubled, and I'm assuming Marshall's just like his friend.

Silently I'm chuckling at the sight, the white boy's face is going red and theirs veins bulging out of his head.

"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCKKK YOU!" He yells and I can hear the irritation and hatred in his voice.

He turns around to speak to his friend but his eye accidentally catch mine and he pauses. "Aye, Dre- that's the bitch Kim was talking about!" He shouts.

My usually low eyes widen. What? Who was that bitch talking about? Cause it wasn't me!!

He talks to his friend a moment, I can't exactly hear what their staying but it can't be good. Their staring directly at me.

Marshall jogs quite fast across the street and towards me.


A/N: I hate this. What have I gotten myself into. 🤦‍♀️ Lordttt! Help me.

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