7. Papa

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A/N: why does this photo make Faith look about as big as biggie? 😂 She chose the wrong kinda outfit to wear then angled herself. Y'all know she thick asf, that ass was looking JUICY 🤦‍♀️

 Y'all know she thick asf, that ass was looking JUICY 🤦‍♀️

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Amara Starres POV:

"Poppa!" I squeal, jumping onto the couch next to him. He quickly puts me in this bear hug that's kinda suffocating because he's so much bigger than I am.

"DollFace! What up girl?" He says releasing me from his hug.

"Nothing much, crazy as always. I've been working my ass off, but I got fired from bothhh my jobs yesterday!" I complain to him like a brat. Look, I can't complain much to anybody. So excuse me if I got words!

"Jobs? Novas slutty ass still ain't working? Man! I told you you can come stay with me anytime girl." He offers after hearing the fact I have no help where I'm at.

I don't wanna live with Poppa though, cause he live right down the street from my momma. Lord know I'm not trying to see her...

"Have you lost your mind girl!? You FLUNKED collage!?" My mother screams at me as I stand in the doorway teary eyed with my bags.

"Momma, I'm sorry I-" I start but quickly get cut off. "AINT NO SORRY TO IT! I TOLD YOUR SLOW SELF TO GET UP OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK!" She continues.

I really, really, feel like shit right now. I've tried my entire life to do this right. To go to college and get my degree. Get my mom out of this place.

"But Momma, I am working, I was a waitress down there and I was a bartender. I couldn't keep u-" I start trying to make and excuse for my failure but again quickly get shut up.

"SHUT UP GIRL!" She shouts slapping me with such force it leaves a big red mark. I stumble backwards onto the porch out of the doorway. "I'm sorry!" I cry out to her.

"YOURE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR A DAUGHTER. NOBODY EVEN LOVES YOUR FAT ASS!" She screams at me, slamming the door in my face.

"You know I won't Papa. Besides I'll figure it out like I always do." I turn him down. He simply nods and turns to roll a blunt on the table.

"Yo! We going down to the car Rag found, Big you coming?" One of his friends shout throwing a jacket on that makes that annoying sound puffy jackets make when you move against them.

I fucking hate the Detroit cold. I have no idea who this guy is but I know who Rag is. Rag is one of the dudes we used to kick it with back then. Papa called him Ragamuffin but that was too long so we call him Rag.

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