5. Sluts

161 7 42

September 1996

Marshall Mathers POV:

God damn this slut forreal.

Seeing her drunkenly stumble towards me, I wanted to rip her throat outta her neck. I mean really yo!? Right after we promised to be better. I had her screaming she'd never do me wrong again.

I thought we wiped the slate clean. She had him in MY spot, in MY pussy, in MY baby mama. Knowing Kim, she probably don't even know the man she had in my spot. In our bed? On my counters? On my couch? On my floor?

Did she like it? Was he better than me? This bitch is gonna kill me. She makes it to the front door where I am staring at her walk over.

"HeEy Marsh." She slurs, making me cringe instantly. She reeks of cheap booze and burbon. She leans down trying to kiss me, but I shove her back, sending her stumbling 3 feet from me.

"Don't touch me you slut." I spit out, my tone coming more hostile than I expected it to, but I don't give a fuck.

"Marsh, what are you talking abou-" She starts but I angrily snatch her arm and pull her into the apartment. I slam the door behind her and slam her into it.

"SO YOU JUST FUCK WHATEVER LOOKS AT YOU!?" I shout at her. Balling my fists I throw my fist at the door beside her face. She seems to realize what I'm talking about and laughs in my face.

Anger courses through me, I can't believe she's laughing at me yo! "How'd you find out about Rodney? You follow me to the club MARSHALL?" She says through her drunken laughs, emphasizing my name in that annoying ass voice.


She stops laughing and slaps me across the face causing me to grab her wrists squeezing them tightly. She starts screaming at me but my ears ring and I don't hear a word this bitch is screeching.

All I hear is the struggle of us fighting. Before I know it, I'm punching her back. I regret it instantly though, cause I hit her harder than I intended to. I punched her like she was a dude.

So she's loosing her mind screaming and punching me as hard as she could. Eventually I can hear her again, and her voice is like nails on a chalk board.

"GET AWAY THE FUCK OUT MARSHALL!!!" She's screaming trying to shove me out of my own apartment man- fuck! I'm trying not to punch her in the fucking mouth of hers.

"Yo- yo- Hold on bitch!" I shout at her, hearing my daughters loud cries. I remember the pills in my pocket I got from that chick next door, immediately I fish one outta my pocket. Throwing it at her

"GIVE THAT TO MY DAUGHTER!" I shout as she manages to shove me outta the door, slamming it into my face. FUCK YO! Fuckkkkk!

What do I do now? Just let the bitch cool off and come back tomorrow?

I turn to leave, but the door of that broad next door catches my eye. That rotten ass wood would be so easy to kick down, she should get that shit fixed,

I get an idea. Honestly I'm horny as fuck, arguing with Kim like that got me hard. I ain't gonna lie.

The slut lives close to me anyway, could fuck her all night then go straight home and set Kim straight.

I walk straight to her door and knock on it lightly at first. But I ain't get no answer, so I knock loudly.

I hear a crash and a soft voice yelling "I'm coming!!!"

The door swings open...

Amara Starre's POV:

I open my door agitated, I had just gotten out of the shower and somebodies banging on my damn door!

I swing it open to see Marshall. Baggy grey sweatpants and the baggy white T-shirt he was wearing yesterday. Does the boy ever change!?

However, I become hyper aware of the fact I'm barely wearing clothes.

Im wearing a white T-shirt that's wet, so it's see through on my chest. Luckily I'm wearing a bra. Then athletic booty shorts I was wearing earlier.

My hair is wet so it's taken it's natural curly pattern. It's still dripping wet.

I watch him look me up and down. I look down and see his very prominent bulge. Oh my god, he's always horny!!

I am not just a fuck toy, he can't just use me every time he wants to get off.

"Hey baby girl, I've been thinking about you." He says, trying to come off smooth, I roll my eyes at him.

"Nah, you've been thinking about getting your dick wet." I scoff. The obvious bulge staring up at me.

I swear his dick is like a damn magnet trying to connect to my cunt. Well connect to any cunt within a mile radius.

"Maybe both. Why, you don't like that?" He speaks in this teasing and gentle tone, that drives me crazy. Crazy in a bad way- he's such a man slut!

No way I'm letting him hit again. "No. I don't like that. Your a man-slut and I don't want that community dick inside me!" I shout at him.

"Mmmmuh- Mars- Marsahall...!" I moan out, finding it hard to speak as he's pounding my soul out of me. Goddamn! I might be a slut.

He's hitting that spot inside of me hard and fast, over and over. I feel my pussy walls stretching and squeezing around him.

The thick length pumping in and out really fast feels like he's breaking my walls.

"Who's the slut now!?" He barks, slamming in and out of my cunt. Making sure to hit my G-spot as hard as he could.

I scream-moan, grasping my sheets for support. I feel my high approach, I get lightheaded and delirious. My moaning sounds more like pained screams.

"Me! Ughhhh!" I scream out, clawing at the sheets. I cum on his dick, coating it in my substance.

He lets out a loud groan, holding my hips down onto his groin. Forcing his dick as far as possible into me. "Fuckkkk, I feel you tightening on me! Awwwe fuck!" He grunts.

"I- ohhh! Fuck! I love you! I love your dick M!" I squeal feeling him and every inch of him inside me

"Just shut up and take this motherfucking dick!" He's twitching inside me, then I remember something- he's not wearing a fucking condom, that's why he feels so good!

Quickly I muster up enough strength to push him off me as he's about to bust. I push him off just in time because he busts all over my belly and on my pussy lips.

Holy fuck, the look of confusion that twists into pleasure that twists into relief. He collapses on top of me, pressing his chest against my breasts. Which admittedly hurts, because of how sensitive I am right now.

"Fuck baby... thank god you remembered." He says referring to the fact he almost busted inside me. I'm panting heavily in the aftershocks of my orgasm.

I feel him still and his breath still...is he asleep? I hear his snores and it confirms my questions. His body is on top of mine, pressing his chest that's very firm against my breasts.

Somehow it's soothing and I find myself falling asleep.

Goddamnit... He made me a fucking slut.

A/N: I'll be working on making my chapters longer, I feel like looking back on it complete, 1200 words isn't enough. If only I could write essays like this. 🤦‍♀️ For those of you who don't know Faith Evans is mixed, she's half knack half white so her hair is naturally curly.

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