4. Ibproufen

157 7 4

September 1996

Marshall Mathers POV:

Yo, that little slut had to be less of a slut then I realized. She wasn't no loose bitch- I think I stretched her a bit. I had her going insane and I wasn't even laying my shit down that hard on her.

I just wanted to hit that. I've got no desire to speak to her again, I got what I wanted.

She was damn near inexperienced, she did know how to give brain like a motherfucker. My dick still itch from it, yo.

I did leave after I fucked her, cause I ain't about to hang around for no pillow talk. Besides I'm not trying to go back or nothing.

Cause when I had gotten back home with Kim, we made up. The same way we always do, but I ain't gone lie, the whore smelled like sex too.

It's gonna be different this time though. We're gonna stop this shit, be better for Hailie.

I'm currently trying to get my daughter to stop crying. Her cries are literally plunging through my fucking heart. She's in pain and ain't nothing working, my baby's teething.

"C'mon Hai... work with me." I say to my daughter as I cradle her in my arms. I've rubbed that cheap as whiskey I bought on her gums, I even got my finger cold and rubbed her gums!

I don't have any Ibuprofen, which Deshaun told me works. He got 2 kids which I don't got no clue how he manages that, he struggles like a motherfucker for money.

Hailies pained cries fill my ears and I groan in frustration. I'm frustrated I can't help her, or calm her.

Kim ain't home, she's went out with that annoying friend of hers that wants to fuck me. It's been a few hours and I need some IB's for Hai and myself. I got huge ass headache, been up all day listening to her cry, and I'm feel like imma cry like a bitch, yo.

Bouncing her gently, I put her down in her crib by Kim and I's bed. She's non stop boohooing- and I'm going crazy bro.

I'm going to be right back, and my baby is gonna know her daddy has always got her.

I quickly walk out my apartment, locking the door behind me cause no matter how long I'm gonna be gone my daughter gotta be secure.

I walk across the hall like two steps and knock on that fine ass broad that I fucked last night's door. Damn, I'm getting an itch thinking bout her.

The door swings open and there she is. Standing there behind the door frame is Amara, she's gawking at me wide eyed. She obviously ain't expecting no kinda company.

She's wearing a black tank top with a black bra underneath it with that girly lace shit women like so much. I trail my eyes from her top to her legs. I see those little booty shorts she's wearing and smirk.

I force my eyes back up at her face. She got her hair in a bun yet got the leftover bits of her hair covering her left eye.

That thick, juicy ass is hanging out. Damn... okay I needa stick to the point. "Yo, baby, you got any Ibuprofen in ya place?"

She stares at me a moment, then nods. She turns around leaving me at her door and walks back into her place.

I can't lie, that ass jiggling as she walks away is giving me blue balls. I aint acting on that shit though, Im picking my life up for my daughter. That includes keepin her momma happy, even if she makes me wanna kill her.

Amara comes back to me holding a pill bottle that says Ibuprofen. "How many do you need?" She asks in that soft voice of hers. What did I need from her again? I quickly snap out of the daze I was in and clear my throat. "Three should do it baby girl."

She struggles with the cap, and I chuckle internally watching her. The baby-proofing cap making her frustrated. She rolls her eyes and hands me the bottle in an aggressive manner.

"Im sorry? What you want me to do with this baby?" I ask her in a mocking tone, she crosses her arms cutting her eyes at me.

"I'm not saying please! You the one who needs the damn pills anyway." I look at her with a look of ease, I put my hand over the cap making a big show of opening it. I easily twist the cap off of it and dump the three pills into my hand. Her eyes widen and she scoffs.

"No fair." She huffs grabbing the bottle back. "Got a headache from that fucking you and Kim did earlier?" She asks me and- wait what? Kim and I haven't fucked since last night after I left Amara in her bed.

"What you talking about girl?" I look at her really confused. Her lips part slightly, and she has a look of realization on her face, aw fuck!

"What.are.you.talking.about.girl?" I stare at her nervous eyes. I swear to god- if she says what I'm thinking I'm gonna kill Kim.

"I mean- I heard... noises earlier at three." She speaks meekly. I clench my jaw, fuck yo! That slut!

While I was at work!? My fists ball up, tightly. I swear Kim aint ever gon change. She a slut for life- I'm gonna kill her! I'm going to kill this bitch.

Lifting my head to see Amara, I get hot with anger. I bet she's just like Kim yo! All bitches are the same. They're all equally sluts.

"And you ain't think to tell me!?" I raise my voice at her. Her face turns from apologetic to anger.

"Boy! Your relationship issues ain't none of my business! I could give a fuck less if ya baby mama busted it open for fucking Biggie Smalls!" She cusses in my face and goes to slam her door but I put my hand on it. Stopping her from closing it.

"Yo, my b-" I start but she goes to close the door again, I place my foot in the doorway and shove the pills she gave me in my pocket.

"Listen to me bitch, and quit trying to walk away from me!" I shout at her, swinging the door open and grabbing her wrists.

Her eyes widen like a deer in headlights... fuck she's so... cute. I don't understand how this bitch can look like a little innocent woman to a sexy slut in the bat of her eyelashes.

"My bad yo! I ain't mean to yell at ya. Im not trying piss you off, aight? So chill out." She stares at me angrily but takes a deep breath and looks calm.

"It's fine Marshall. Can you get out now?" She asks me patiently and I let her go. I've only stepped into her doorway, I didn't really come in her place.

"Aight, Imma see you around." I state as I turn my back to her, my words sounded more like a promise. I intended that shit to fuck with her, cause Imma pop up again.

She mutters under her breath, but I ain't hear it cause she closes the door to her place and I walk straight to mine.

As I'm unlocking the door, I see Kim drunkenly stumbling over towards the apartment like a damn idiot.

Time to deal with this bitch.

A/N: Sorrrry this took so longggg. I promise the story is gonna take off soon y'all just gotta bare with me. Exam days are stressful in college, I swear Imma get kicked out one of these days. I'm one D away from flunking 🤦‍♀️

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