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Satoru had been best friends with Suguru for a long time already. They already knew everything about each other. Down to every detail, it didn't matter how weird it was. 

Wind was starting to feel cold. Days were getting shorter. But this only meant Suguru could have an excuse to hold Getos' hand more often. Gojo always saw Geto as his bestfriend, and that didn't change even though they hold hands. 

-"Hey Suguru. What are we going to do for Shokos' birthday?"

-"I don't know. When was it?"-Geto asked

-"Tomorrow"-Satoru answered

-"WHAT?"-Geto asked in disbelief 

-"I know. Time sure passes fast. We should go grab some drinks on the new place they opened last week".

-"Yeah. That seems like a good idea. Shoko likes simple things".

It was getting darker, and they were far away from Getos' place. 

"Hey Suguru. Don't you want to stay at my place?" 

"Only if we have wine. And not the cheap one you get for your one stand nights"- Geto said in an ironic tone.

"Of course. How would I dare give you anything that is cheap, HUH?" Gojo looked at Geto.

They kept walking until they got to Satorus' place. They took their coats of and their shoes off. Geto went to grab the finest wine he had. He continued to pour it into two glasses while Geto was getting comfortable in the sofa. They started chatting about how much they appreciated Shoko even though she pissed them off sometimes. They kept starring at each others eyes, perhaps because they were already getting drunk, perhaps because they were looking out for something else...

-"Well. I'll go to sleep Suguru. We have a long day tomorrow"

-"Aren't you going to give some blankets at least ?" Geto said in a sleepy tone.

-"I-. I forgot to dry them, they are still wet." Satoru said angry at himself

A long silence emerged

"HELLO. I AM FREEZING YOU IRRESPONSIBLE WHITE AHH GHOST" Geto said after throwing a pillow towards Satorus' face

-"SO THAT IS HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY YOU WEIRD HARDCORE EMO"-Satoru shouted while laughing and running to catch Geto.

They ended up pushing Geto to his bed. The alcohol was getting to their heads.

At that moment, they just noticed the position they were on. Satoru was pinning Geto to the bed while Geto had his legs around Satorus' hips. This was all it took for them to think twice about their actions. 

Geto didn't know what got into him at that moment, but he grabbed Satorus' hip tighter and Satoru responded automatically by lowering his whole body to feel Geto. Both of them noticed each others erections, but they did not know what to do next. Their breaths were getting heavier, hotter. It almost seemed as if Satoru was whimpering. Even though they had spend the night with each other, they never got hard for each other. Suddenly, Geto felt all Satorus' body over him.

He had fallen asleep. Eventually, he did as well. 

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