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They both woke up smelling horrible. It immediately hit Satoru what had happened last night. He pushed himself away from Geto while trying not to look at his lips. He got up from bed and took a shower. He could not believe how he could have thought about continuing yesterday. Luckily, he had gotten asleep. After he got out of the shower, Geto was at the same time trying to knock on the door, but there he appeared. In any other moment, Geto would have not cared less about seeing Satorus' hair dripping with water, or how the towel was barely grabbing onto his hips. The same hips he got his legs around yesterday. Then he noticed he was starring and Satoru liked how Geto was looking at him with lust. To make it even worse, or better, Geto, slowly looked at Satorus' eyes. For a brief second, they felt the same tension from last night, but Geto quickly laughed at Satoru for having his hair in a mess. Satoru was expecting him to take another approach to that situation, but decided not to think much about it. 

Geto went into the bathroom and closed the door. Both of them blushed after what just happened, they just did not want the other one to see them blushing. 

Once they were ready, they decided to go buy the present for Shoko. Apparently, they just pretended what had happened a few hours ago never happened. It was already 4PM, so, as they were laughing with each other, they knocked on Shokos' door. She opened, hopping it wasn't their loud hormonal friends. There they were. She sighed, she knew was was coming next.


Then, they showed her the reservation to the place they were going to get drinks from. Her eyes shined.

-"Well. I am accepting because I like to get beer, not because I like spending time with the two of you"- Shoko said hiding her happiness. She had to admit her friend were loud, but she cared for them, and so did them.

They got going to the place and started with one round of beer.

-"It does tastes good"-Shoko said 

Geto took a sip, and so did Satoru. Get knew Satoru was starring at him, so he decided to tease him. He slowly closed his eyes and began drinking the beer slowly, even though it was already too much for him. After that, he licked his lips. Then, Satoru began feeling something, not only between his legs, but a desire to kiss Geto. Geto did not know why he did that, if he never saw his friend in that way. Shoko was to happy enjoying the good quality beer to bother seeing them flirt. Then she ordered one round more. That went on and on, until neither Satoru or Geto were able to see clearly what has happening around them. After 2 more rounds, Shoko was a but drunk, so she declared the night ended. She thanked both of them for the drinks, they of course offered to accompany her to her department. They already got to the point they were laughing hysterically. They said goodbye to her and gave her the presents.

-"Thank you guys. I really enjoyed my birthday"-Shoko said as she hugged them.

Satoru was teasing Geto on their way home. They kept laughing until Geto felt into a fountain of water. Before Satoru helped him, he laughed at Geto and then helped him get out. After Satoru extended his hand, Geto pushed him as well into the fountain and laughed at him for trusting him. The cold water helped them get to their sense and decided to part ways.

-"Well, it was a good night Satoru"Geto said with a warm smile

-"You ain't going anywhere if you are planning on doin so". -Satoru said

-"The fuck? You think you can force me to stay with you?"

-"I am not forcing you. I know you Suguru. I know you wanted to tease me back when we were having drinks"Satouru said in a serious yet flirty voice.

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