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"What did this motherfucker just said?HE FUCKING REMEMBERED THAT" Geto thought to himself as he felt his face getting hot. Until that moment, he noticed they were outside Satorus' department. His breathing began shaking, as he saw Satoru getting closer to him, he closed his eyes, his breathing and heartbeat getting more intense, until he heard the door behind him getting opened.

-"HAHAHA. What were you expecting, huh?"-Satoru said teasing him.

Geto got angry, not because he was freezing at 11PM not on his home again, but because now Satoru proved he wanted to tease him before. He could and would not tolerate Satoru laughing at him, so he decided to take revenge on the same way. He grabbed Satorus' hair and pinned him to the wall, as he put his arms around Gojos' neck and made sure he puts his hands on his hips. Satoru did not expect in a thousand years Geto to flirt back directly, and he knew what he was up to.

-"I only know you were thinking the same as me when you got closer before opening the door"-Geto said lowering his tone, so only his Satoru could hear him.

Satoru passed his hands through Getos' hips, he knew that would make Geto loose all his dominant show at that moment. Shortly after, Geto moaned just next to Satorus' ear. Both of them got quiet.

They could stop everything at that moment, or continue til the end. Now, Geto did think twice about what to do next, but both times he thought about continuing. He pushed Satoru closer to him and Gojo knew it meant they would continue. He began moving his hand more intensely from his hips, to his waist until he reached Getos' back. Geto wanted to feel Satoru closer to him, but since they were standing, he could not set his legs around Satoru. Satoru felt his need to do so, due to him moving his hips. He grabbed his thighs and looked him straight in the eye.

-"Tell me Suguru. Where were you trynna place these?"Satoru said panting

-"I. I am sure you know were I want to put them around, but you are dying for me to say it out loud. You want this just as much as I-"-Geto barely managed to say when he was cut off by Satoru moving one of his hands towards one of his nipples. He started moaning differently, and he could not finish his sentence. Satoru asked once again.

-"If you do not answer me, I am going to drop your legs"-Satoru said frimly, even though he was begging Geto said what he was expecting, he could no longer bear having only to hear Getos' moans.

-"F-fine"-Geto said panting

-"Put them around you"-Geto said before being interrupted by him gasping at seeing how quick Satoru managed to do so. Now, he was looking down to Satoru.

Even though both of them had been with multiple women, they never got desperate for anyone like they were for each other at that moment. Geto began gripping Satoru with his legs, as he desired for something else. On the other hand, Satoru had felt hundreds of nipples, but none like Sugurus'. He kept squeezing them, until eventually he laid Geto on the bed. He passed his hands through Getos' hips to his neck, so his shirt would get off. He began licking them, Geto arched his back and grabbed onto the sheets of the bed.

-"Satoru. Please"-Geto whined

Satoru took his dick out, and immediately, Geto once again, moved his hips so he could feel Satoru. Gojo was going crazy. He took Getos' pants off and took his dick with his. Satoru began breathing heavily, while Geto kept moaning and pressing harder onto Satorus' dick. He began moving hips, Satoru stopped him.

-"Wait. Wait. I need to take a breath, I can't stand hearing your moans without getting rock hard Suguru".

Geto could not believe Satoru Gojo, the most powerful sorcerer, was getting weak for him. He took both of their dicks and began rubbing them. Satoru grabbed onto Getos' hips. He did not have a lot of experience when it came to rubbing their dicks, but that same lack of experience made Satoru want more. They were getting close to their climax.

"Suguru"-Satoru whimpered


Geto could not stand hearing his name being moaned by Satoru. He came before Gojo, but Satoru came when he heard Getos' moan. He felt a tear on his hand, Satoru looked worried, he thought he pressured Geto into doing something just because he wanted to do so. Satoru caressed Getos' skin.

-"I'm sorry Suguru. I did not want you to feel pressured."-Satoru said in a low tone.

-"It is not that, it is just that-"-Getos' voice was shaking

-"It is just what? Tell me. You know I always worry about you, all the time. Please"-Satoru said as he began worrying more.

-"It is just that it is to embarrassing"-Geto said.

Satoru began feeling anxious.

-"You did not want this to happen? It is okay, but tell me, why is it that-" Satoru said, while trying not to cry. He could not believe Geto hated what happened, but he was cut off by him.

-"DAMN SATORU. It is just that I am crying because it felt so good and I wanted more.I still want more." Geto said lowering his voice.

Ok now. Satoru could not imagine Geto was crying because he felt so good

"It is that so, huh?"-Satoru asked in a teasing way

Geto looked at Satoru with submissive eyes. He had never seen Geto look at him with those eyes before . Satoru began moving his hands towards Getos' ass.

-"Touch me more". -Geto said in a barely audible tone.

Satoru engraved this words onto his head. Geto, who always appeared to be strong, and cold, was begging him to touch his body.

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