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Satoru kept looking at Geto, trying to ask him if he was allowed to kiss him. Until finally, Geto accepted. Satoru began kissing Geto desperately. Both of them kept kissing as they began getting hard with each touch. Satoru began touching every inch of Getos' body. He continued licking Getos' nipples slowly, while still kissing him. Satoru could not stand how Geto moaned in his mouth.

-"Suguru"-Gojo said panting.

-"I don't have any lube or condoms"-Geto replied in a shaking voice

-"Guess we would have to do it raw"-Satoru said as he looked lustfully to his best friends body underneath.

Satoru took one one of his fingers and made Geto suck them until they were wet. Before he introduced one of them, he stopped himself for a brief moment.

-"Looks like someone was begging me to fuck you. You are soaking wet down here, Suguru".-Satoru implied

-"How could I not be when you have been teasing me all night long"-Geto said whimpering

Satoru continued introducing one finger at a time. He felt how tight Geto was with each finger. With the fourth finger, he considered Geto ready.

-"I am going in. Tell me if it hurts, the least I want to do is hurt you".

Satoru introduced his dick slowly into Getos' hole. Almost immediately, he began arching his back while tears streamed down his cheeks.

-"Co-continue."-Geto thought to himself. He could not belief what he was doing at that moment, but it did not matter, because he was feeling good as he felt Satoru inside him.

Satoru continued entering slowly, so Geto could feel every detail of his dick. As he entered, he looked at Getos' entrance and saw how it was trying to suck him whole.

-"Hey Suguru. You are clenching to me so fucking hard."-Satoru said while panting

-"Shut up. Just continue"-Geto said as he was embarrassed to hear Satoru talking to him about how he was eating his dick.

-"I won't continue until you let me keep talking to you"-Satoru told him a demanding tone

-"Fi-fine. Satoru"-Geto said as he hugged Satoru

-"Keep talking to m-"-Geto said until he felt all Satorus' cock enter completely . He could not finish his sentence, since he began moaning even more.

Satoru could not help but moan in a deep tone. He never felt the same tightness with anyone but Geto. Just as he entered, he was putting his hands on Getos' hip until he was stopped by him.

-"W-wait"-Geto could not say the next since he continued moaning more. Something about Satoru made him experience the highest pleasure.

-"I- I want to move them myself"-Geto said.

Geto slowly began moving his hips as he felt how his hole was expanding each time he moved, since, Satorus' dick was thicker at the bottom.

-"Satoru"-Geto said between moans

-"I need you to fill me up more. I can't reach myself that point"-Geto said as he moved his hips faster trying to reach that spot he knew was there, but could not reach. Satoru was delighted at seeing his best friend moving desperately, while moaning and having his hair pulled each time he wanted to get deeper.

-"After this"-Satoru said in Getos' ear

-"You won't want to do it with anyone but me"-Gojo said in an even deeper tone

He grabbed Getos' hips and pushed them towards his dick, so he could completely fill up Geto. Then, it was when Geto began moaning differently. Satoru knew he reached that spot. Geto did not know what to do next. He hugged Satoru more tightly, as he tried to cover his moans.

-"Don't you dare cover your moans Suguru. It's the first time I've heard you moan, and it's better knowing I am the one who is driving you crazy"-Satoru said as he took Getos' face to see how he was crying of pleasure.

-"Satoru. Fa-faster please"-Geto continued moving his hips, while being fucked by Satoru more intensely.

-"No. Now you do it"-Gojo said as he laid down on the bed and left Geto helpless.

Geto stared at Satoru, trying not to hate him because he knew it was already embarrassing enough for him to be begging for Gojo to fuck him harder. He began moving his hips up and down, trying to find a place where to place his hands. Satoru quickly noticed this, and grabbed his wrist and placed them in his chest. He felt Geto getting tighter.

-"Seems like you loove my chest, right Suguru? Why are you getting tighter while seeing how you are sucking and moving yourself up and down.

Geto could no longer stand it. He laid himself in Satorus' chest and continued to move clumsily his hips.

-"Yo-you are getting bigger Satoru"-Geto moaned

Gojo swore to himself he could not stand Geto moaning his name. He pushed him to the bed and began moving faster. Geto grabbed the sheets of the bed as he felt he was reaching his climax.

-"Sa-Satoru"-Geto said in a higher pitch

-"Le-let's come together, Suguru"-Gojo said panting.

One tear streamed down Getos' cheek when he felt being filled up more than he was already and at the same time felt himself get cover with cum. By reflex, he saw downwards to see if they really did it. Satorus' cum was leaking out of him. Something clicked in Suguru

-"Fuck me and fill me more Satoru. I want you deeper on me"-Geto said defiantly.

-"Beg"-Satoru said in the same defiant tone

-"I know you want to fill me more Satoru. I know you have been thinking about me for a while these days, and I know for a fact, those were not pure thoughts"-Geto said with a grin on his face while he still felt Gojos' cum down his hole.

Satoru turned Geto towards the bed, in order to have a better angle to introduce his dick harder. They began once again moaning. Geto, for some reason, was getting more conscious of what they were doing, the wet sounds of his hole gripping into Satorus' dick made him want to continue.

"Hey Suguru. You should see how my cum is leaking"-Satoru said as he kep thrusting into Geto.

Then. Geto looked towards his legs and noticed how Satoru came a lot the first time, Satorus' cum kept leaking.

Once again, they both moaned each others' name. After fucking for 5 hours, they could no longer go for another round. Satoru took Geto into the shower to get his cum off from Geto.

-"Hey Suguru. You can't fall asleep. I want you to see how much of my cum gets off you hole"-Gojo said

-"For gods sake Satoru. You know how embarrassing it is to-"Geto was interrupted when he felt Satorus' slim fingers being introduced on again and feeling something warm coming out of him. He was leaking tons of Gojos' cum.

-"See. You might find it embarrassing or whatever, but you loved it, Suguru"- Gojo said as he continued seeing Geto dripping with his cum. Geto began blushing once again. After both got cleaned, they went to bed.


-"Where else would I sleep?"-Geto inquired, but he knew quite well he was teasing Gojo.

Gojo grabbed him by the waist and threw him into the bed. He got his arms around Geto and pushed him into his chest. Both of them felt how they were blushing hard as they hugged each other tightly.

-"You know Suguru. I might-" Gojo said, until he noticed Geto being already asleep.

-"Maybe for another time".-Gojo said as he caressed his best friends black hair and eventually fell asleep as well.

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