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Geto woke up, as he noticed a whole month passed from the last time he saw Satoru. He was woken up by a text, informing him they had a meeting. Fuck, didn't he have a mission that day already. He put on his pants, and felt how the felt oddly heavier. He looked at the mirror. He looked horrible, he had lost so much weight. Why did it matter if no onw cared for him anymore?

He went into the room, seeing few chais on the room. The atmosphere felt heavy. He sat down hearing the higher up say the same things all over again. 

-"We have called all of you, to inform you of an incident among one of our students"

One more death, one person less. Geto thought to himself. He should have not come to the meeting.

-"Suguru Gojo was found dead on his apartment. It is suspected he took his own life. We are not sure of the reasons he had, but we are informing you all, it is least we can do."


Is dead?

Geto began feeling his pressure start getting low. He did not hear what they were talking about. The meeting ended. He went out of the room. No one hugged him. No one asked if he was okay.

He did not go to the mission he had. He decided to buy a bottle of liquor and grab all the pills he had on his room. He did no longer felt in a hurry to talk to Satoru.


"Satoru. I should have stayed with you that night"-Geto began crying.

"Satoru. Satoru, I am scared if you are not with me in this world anymore. There should be one more opportunity. Once more to see you".

Geto got on the train with the bags if liquor and pills. He looked out the window and felt the tears down his face. He felt the need to scratch his new injuries. What would Satoru think if he saw his wrists? 

Satoru. He was no longer with him.

The final stop of the train was in a place that was quite far away from the city. Geto kept walking, he did not know where to go anymore. He was no longer willing to continue to live like this. He was a coward, for not trying to keep living, Satoru would have wished that.

"Satoru. I think you were my first love, and my last one"-Geto said in the middle of a forest. He was in a mountain, the highest mountain. There were no trees around that mountain, there was no noise. There was not Satoru to his side. He could see how green the trees were, how the river flowed. He needed for Satoru to die, to know how te appreciate things. The view was truly beautiful. He would have liked to be there with Satoru.

He opened the bottle and put the first pill on his mouth. How much time had passed since he had felt something barely edible on his mouth?

He cried. He cried one last time, but trying to remember all the good times with Satoru. He was getting ready to continue. There was a smell of vanilla. Probably there were vanilla trees nearby. That smell began getting stronger. He tried not to remember it was the same smell Satrorus' chest had. 

"Please. Please. I am already going to meet up with you, don't torture me any longer."

He lied on the grass. He was going for the first sip of liquor when he felt a drop of rain on his face. He opened his eyes to see.


Satoru was crying

Satoru was alive. 

Satoru is with him. 

He felt Satorus' hand around his cheeks. 

"I am so sorry Suguru. I am so sorry for not being with you at your lowest moments. I know that even though I am apologizing, I should have changed my actions. I missed you. I think. I think I might feel something more than friendship towards you. It is just that I was scared of telling you"-Gojo said with a trembling voice while caressing Getos' face.

Geto hugged Gojo, making him fall into the grass. Gojo heard Geto crying loudly. He only hugged him tighter.

-"I-I. I thought I would never see you anymore. I thought you had died Satoru. I think I am hallucinating"-Geto kept crying, when he pelt his cheeks being pinched. 

-"Now you know you are not"-Gojo replied with a warm smile on his face. 

-"You could've kissed me instead"-Geto said while trying to stop himself from crying.

-"So you also feel something more than friendship"-Satoru asked

-"Have you ever seen someone love you as much as I do?"-Geto asked as he passed his hands through Gojos' hair.

-"I could not see someone else but you"-Gojo replied.

They kept looking at each other. They were behaving like hormonal teenagers, even though they were legally adults now. Geto kept blusing each time Gojo touched him. He tied all his hair back, and Geto felt the wind passing through his neck.

-"You are beautiful Suguru. I could not say I would never get tired of seeing you, because I would rather not see you all the time, because I would fall for you harder each time. If I don't have you with me, I do not care of anyone. I don't care if I am considered 'the strongest', I am nothing without you. That is why I pretended to commit suicide. If the higher ups were not convinced I was dead, they would keep me with them. I know, I know they might still feel my cursed energy. But I made a pact with a curse. I won't have to worry of them noticing you or me ever again"-Gojo said calmly.

-"You made a pact WITH A CURSE. Satoru, you know that it could greatly affect you."-Geto replied anxiously.

-"Even when you are also in great danger, you still worry about me. How could I have someone as you with me ?"-Gojo replied

-"See. The curses' name is Hiroshi. We made a pact. He has more to loose than we do in this situation Suguru. He only accepted to make the pact because my dad knew him from long ago. He is not seen easily. Our cursed energy would no longer be perceived, never again. This doesn't mean we are able to get it back whenever we need."-Gojo replied

-"However, Hiroshi transforms that energy to his power. Therefore, he is atrociously powerful, but he does not really need it. As I said, he is almost never seen by anyone"-Gojo said as he touched Getos' lips softly.

-"I failed multiple times in this life Suguru, living constantly wondering if I made the right thing. But, if I'm sure of something, is loving you, leaving whatever I left behind. Perhaps, everything in my life has been a mistake. Suguru, I know with my soul, that loving you, has been the only right choice I've made"-Satoru said while looking at Geto.

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