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Geto felt his chest getting tighter, he felt his eyes beginning to water, feeling a knot on his throat. He didn't care anymore of pretending, at the end, he was just with Satoru. He hugged him desperately, he cried, just enough to make him realize how much he had to suffer to make this moment happen. Gojo gently passed his fingers through his beloveds' hair. As he continued to observe him, he noticed a cut on one of his wrist. 

-"Suguru."-Gojo said as he passed softly his fingers over the scar.

Fuck. Geto thought to himself. He was deciding if he should pretend he got injured, but, what was the point of lying when the one he loves knows even what he is thinking by just looking at him. He took a dee breath, as he opened his mouth to say something, he felt Geto carry him. Gojo carried him into a part where he could see better the whole city, they were sure far away now. Gojo saw how Getos' eyes shined by seeing the city. Finally, he sat down, making Geto nervous at the sudden change of position.

-"Suguru. I can't say I understand how you were feeling at the moment you decided to cut yourself. Everyone has a different reasons and leading up events to do so, and I think I know the reasons for it, but that is no worth talking right now."-Satoru said while kissing softly Getos' injury. Geto felt how Gojo took a deep breath.

-"Suguru, from now own, I would always be here for you. I know you had reasons to harm yourself, but, you can count with me, for anything, because loving you does not only involve being happy with you, but being with you, bearing you pain, but most importantly, love you"-Gojo said in a soft tone while hugging Geto. 

It was night already, and the two of them were looking at the city, how the lights shined, and how the cars went by. 

-"Satoru. I think I might love you more than anything"-Geto said while intertwining their fingers.

Gojo hugged him tighter. 

-"I know for a fact, that I love you more than anything, Suguru"-Gojo said while landing small kisses on Getos' neck.

Geto was ticklish there, he tried not to laugh, since they were in you could, a romantic moment, but he began laughing as loudly as ever. Satoru smiled, making his eyes squint at this action, nothing made him happier than seeing Suguru happy. He also began laughing. They eventually dried their tears and looked at each other.

-"Where are we going to live from now own Satoru?"-Geto asked as he felt the cold air brushing his nose.

-"Where would you like to live?-Gojo replied.

Geto laughed softly, and turned his head to see the city again. He loved the view.

-"It would be a dream made true if could stay here, right Satoru?"-Geto chuckled.

-"Satoru?"-Geto asked as he saw no sight of Gojo nearby, he gulped. He felt his heartbeat become faster.

He heard his name being called by someone.

-"COME HERE SUGURU"-Gojo shouted trying to make Geto hear him. 

Geto quickly began running, with a smile on his face, a smile of a teen seeing his first love. Gojo carried Geto, making him look at a small house. It could not be for them, Geto thought. How would Gojo have the time for even planning this just for him, already knowing his desires.

-"How is-"-Geto said

-"I had a feeling telling me you might like it here."-Gojo said while starring at his beautiful Geo

-"But I don't know if you like it"-Geto answered, feeling himself blush. Was he a teen? Why has he blushing so hard only by seeing how Gojo knew him so well.

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