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As Geto felt how the sun touched his skin, he realised he had to waked up. He noticed that he was centimeters apart from Satorus' chest, just the bare minimum space he needed to breathe. He remembered what happened last night. He could not stand seeing Satoru after how he begged him like night. Not because it felt unnecessarily good for him, but because he was afraid of how he could approach Gojo from now on. As he tried to move, he soon felt a sharp pain in his hips. It didn't matter, he had to go quickly. Geto tried to move as slowly and quietly as he could, so it wouldn't wake up Satoru. He thought to himself he could not dare see him. He felt disgusted as he broke up the friendship they had. 

He was already at a mission they had assigned him. From a long time ago, they had been assigning him and Satoru different missions. Time passed, and he completed his mission. However, he no longer had the spark to continue with the missions. The only person that made him feel safe and complete probably did not care much about what had they done. Even though it pained Geto acknowledging he genuinely thought last night was special, he knew deep down that Gojo did not think the same about it. 

Gojo woke up, trying to hug Geto, but he noticed there was nothing. He quickly got up, worried about where he could be. He began looking out for him, desperately. He searched for several times, even though his apartment was small.

-"Suguru. Suguru please stop hiding. Let's talk about it."-Gojo said with tears starting to form on his eyes.

-"Suguru? "-Gojo said. 

He noticed he was gone, without leaving a text, a note, or even a hug.

Gojo knew he was seen as the strongest sorcerer, because he was. He always had to be strong and play it cool. He did not have to let everyone see how he would get depressed because each mission became dull and meaningless without Geto. He realised this after a long time. Gojo was hopping everything would get back to how it was. He thought that they were getting back to how close they were. Yes, he knew he was the strongest, but he was the weakest if he didn't have Geto to his side. 

Eventually, Gojo got ready and went to the mission they had assigned him. It was winter, it was raining, it was cold. He killed several curses that day, for everyone around him, it was outstanding, something only Satoru Gojo could do, but it didn't matter anymore if Geto did not speak to him. Damn, Satoru knew Geto to well, to the point of knowing he did not want to speak to him, for a long time. After he was done, he went to grab lunch, saying goodbye to everyone with a grin of his face. It seemed genuine, but Geto would know it was not. He decided to go drink coffee, he was not hungry. As he entered he convenience store, he saw someone with black hair in a bun. He felt his heart pounding; Suguru. As he ran to catch him, he noticed it was a tall woman with a disgusted look in her face. Gojo breathed. He would have rather not have had sex with Suguru if it meant he would not know anything about him again. 

Geto was getting on the train. He had to go back home, where he was alone. He opened the door and was greeted with the extreme coldness and darkness of his place. It was not as dark and cold, but without Gojo, it felt that way. He lied on the couch, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. There was no longer point in saving people anymore after what had happened to Riko. He should be worried about saving humanity, he should be worried about texting and fixing things with Satoru, but he did not want to. He no longer wanted to keep living like this anymore. He sighed, he could not even cry. 

Days passed, winter went by. Geto noticed he had eye bags under his eyes, he kept loosing weight. He wanted to knock Satorus' door one more time and try to fix everything. That night, he was invited to a party in a penthouse of some girl. He accepted to go just because he knew he would get depressed being alone once again at his house. He tried his best to brighten up his mood, and he successfully did. Even if it was temporary, he was feeling good. He felt how the coldness was now rushed through his hair and began running to the building as he laughed with himself. He was greeted by a girl he did not really care. Geto was talking with some blond guy with dark eyes. He might actually give himself a new opportunity. They were chatting, and this new guy was surprisingly funny. He invited Geto to get some drinks.

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