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Theo Grady was walking towards his home when the humble Bungalow came into view. Outside, his father's prized motorcycle was parked. However, the sanctuary vehicle was gone telling Theo his parents were out and about somewhere in the sanctuary. He trotted up the stairs and opened the door entering his home. He headed to the fridge for his much anticipated drink as the island was humid as ever that day. He chugged half of a water bottle before he felt something brush up against his legs. 

"Hey Rex." he greeted the small gray cat that purred as he rubbed himself against Theo's leg. The cat meowed before stretching his back and walking away ending his affectionate greeting abruptly.

"Bye." Theo said before finishing his water bottle. He walked over to the sink and splashed some water in his face before running his hands through his golden brown hair slicking the hair back. He mumbled to himself about needing a hair cut before looking around the empty home.

On the kitchen book, there were several books scattered. Some were open while others were marked with several bookmarks, he figured his mother had been working on something. He heard a vehicle pull up outside and in a few moments, his father, Owen walked in.

"Hey buddy." Owen said ruffling his hair as he passed him heading to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle himself.

"Hey Dad." Theo said.

"Did you have a good day at school?" 

Theo shrugged. He didn't consider the small room where he had his online classes "school."

"Don't look so enthusiastic." his father said poking his side. Theo revealed a small smirk. Owen stuck his head into the back bedroom.

"Your mom's still not home?" he asked.

"Nope. I've only been home for a few minutes." Theo admitted.

"Well, I can only guess where she is." Owen said sarcastically. "Wanna ride along?"

Theo nodded before following his father out.

In the car, his father focused on the road, Theo glanced over at him a couple of times. His father's strong forearm stuck out from his rolled up sleeves, his skin tanned from the hours of working under the sun on the island. But there were also several scars that grazed his skin. It was almost expected that his dad would have a few working with the raptors and all. There were three that his father was extremely close to, Blue, her mate Yang and Yin. They had started out as the sanctuary's pack after his father lost his first pack to an incident that was one of the many horror stories that was in the dark past of the island.

But there were other velociraptors now, males and females that his dad worked with on a daily basis with his old friend Barry. Theo had gone out to the raptor paddock many times as a child but now he was just irritated by all the squawking and chirping the raptors did. 

He turned his attention back to the scenery outside as they drove out to the one spot they could always count on finding his mother Keira.

Owen led the way through the plains' gate holding it open for his son before closing it behind him.

"Hey Owen." a voice greeted them. The two looked to see a man waving at them with a clipboard in hand.

"Hey Doug." Owen said with a wave. "Have you seen my wife?"

"She's in the back, way back with Zach!" He told Owen before scribbling something down quickly. 

"Hey Tag." Theo waved at him.

Doug was a funny guy that he had grown up around. He had nicknamed him Tag, after his initials of his full name Theodore Alan Grady. He knew his middle name came from his grandfather Alan Grant but when he asked about Theodore he was met by his father's shrug.  "You mother just liked the name." he was told.

They continued into the fields with his dad ahead. Theo paused to avoid a few microceratus running before him. He decided to jog to catch up with his father's fast pace. They found Zach Mitchell first. Theo was close with the man who was kind and often offered a listening ear. Zach had only been a teenager himself when he began working here after bringing brought to the island by his aunt Claire. 

His little brother Gray worked there as well, mainly in the laboratory.Gray was nice too, but he was rarely seen as he never left the lab so engrossed in his work.

Owen and Theo greeted him. 

"Looking for Keira?" Zach asked knowingly.

"The one and only." Owen said.

"Last I saw her, she was with Dino and Eve." he said.

Owen nodded his head before walking off.

Finally, they spotted his mother sitting in the grass with a large Apatosaurus not too far from her. She was sitting next to a statue of a large German Shepherd. Dino. Theo was only eight when Dino passed away and it had been especially devastating to his mother and even to some of the dinosaurs, like Eve. His mother had decided to place the statue in the plains so that it was like Dino was always guarding the plains.

Eve was normally found with her herd by the statue especially at night when she went to sleep, the large dinosaur slept close to the statue of her old canine companion.

"There you are!" Owen said. Keira glanced up and motioned him to wait where he was. Theo raised a brow as she arose to her feet and held out her hands to Owen. Owen seemed hesitant.

"That's not a spider again is it?" he asked.

"No!" she laughed. "No open your hands and close your eyes."

"I never like this game, well except that one time-"

Theo grimaced before his mother nudged his father in the ribs roughly.

"Hands open, eyes closed."

Owen rolled his eyes before closing them and holding out his hands. Theo smiled as his mother looked to him and winked.

"Spider!" she said opening her hands but Theo quickly saw there was nothing there. Owen jumped and startled back as his wife and son laughed.

Owen narrowed his eyes. "Hardy har har..."

"There you go with that pirate lingo again."

As his father chased his mother around, it was almost like watching what they would look like as teenagers. Of course ,everyone said Theo resembled his father, mainly because of his green eyes. He had heard many women in the sanctuary discuss how handsome his father was and heard the same from the men talking about his mother's beauty. But the two paid no mind, after all those years they were still madly in love with each other, he could tell by the way they looked at each other and teased each other.

He smiled at his parents, the amazing stories he had heard about them from the workers on the island. They were legends just like his grandparents Alan and Ellie. His parents had even met the president of the United States years ago for their work. The sanctuary was world renowned as people tuned in to live podcast lectures from his mother or followed the daily life of the sanctuary through the live feed cameras. Everyone knew his family, but who knew of Theodore Alan Grady off the island besides family?

No one.

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