Chapter 2: Kidnapped

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It was the middle of May and after many hours in the computer lab racking up pages of research, Rachael was on the finalization of completing her heritage project. Packing her backpack, she was on her way out the door ready to begin her walk home. Feeling relieved, she decided to take the longer route that led to her house for some fresh afternoon air.

Regretting her choice, she wished she had just taken the bus after 20 minutes of walking. Chill set in as the moon rose, reminding Rachael that she should have been home hours ago. Lucky for her, her parents were working late tonight so she wouldn't get into too much trouble for not being home at the time she usually is. As she was about to grab her phone, Rachael heard a noise from elsewhere.



The sky grew dark, and with it grew my weariness. I began trudging through a barely-lit alleyway, silently regretting having chosen this route since it was so late.

Stifling a yawn, I let my gaze drift towards the sky to pass the time, until I heard a loud crash from further down the alley. My face faltered, then I picked up speed. I'd rather not linger and find out what caused such a loud noise at this time of night. I thought when another crashing noise assaulted my ears, much louder than the first. I stopped in my tracks completely, dread beginning to tickle the edges of my stomach.

Maybe taking this way wasn't such a good idea, I thought again, growing increasingly more nervous. I should just turn back and find a different way home. Backtracking, I was about to turn tail and run when my back bumped into something solid and hard. My gut dropped, knowing there should've been absolutely nothing behind me since I just walked through there.

As a shiver went down my spine, I spun around to see what I bumped into. It was like a shadow that moved so quickly, I didn't have time to take a good look at it before it swung a thick and heavy object across my head.

Ears ringing, head pounding, a nauseous feeling in my gut and the world spinning around me, I couldn't even pick myself up. It felt as if there was a rubber band of tightening pressure around my scalp and the side of my right face felt cold and sore, stinging around my eye. Where am I? I thought, the voice inside making my head pulse with every syllable it spoke. My back was against something metal and roughly round, like a pole of some sort. I had no idea where I was but I heard soft traffic noise in the far distance.

Looking around slowly, my brain can faintly make out a figure standing in front of me with its back facing me. I had to blink my eyes and shake my head a few times, which worsened the existing pain, to truly get a good look at this thing. Were my eyes deceiving me? This thing, it looked like a giant turtle, A behemoth of a turtle! It had a huge shell with sharp spikes protruding out of it, his monster of a hand wielded an even grander bat, greater than his size and and his skin or scales or whatever I was looking at was the color of a terrifying, dark ocean mixed with unnerving shimmers of sea green.

My breath caught in my throat the moment I observed this thing, making a small 'hic' that caught the attention of the being. It turned around and quickly paced towards me. I tried to move but I was restricted by a very strong rope.

I'm tied up? How did I not notice this before?!

The turtle thing came closer to me and I could feel the rumbling underneath my legs while it stomped forward. I began to squirm in my area trying to find some escape to get away from this being, and if I didn't know any better, this thing sounded hungry from the grunts bellowing inside its throat.

As soon as it closed the distance between my face and its legs, I yelped and it knelt down, placing its scaly, clawed fingers over my mouth.

The monster was HUGE. Its hand could crush my face like a soda can if it wanted to. One singular finger in width went from the middle of the bridge on my nose and slightly passed my chin. Its fingers were cold and wet, like a sack of wilted seaweed washed up on shore and the taste was no better. The contact of its finger plastered on my lips made me want to recoil into my skin, for the sweat it had on its forefinger tasted like expired saltwater.

"Shut it." The thing spoke. It was a very deep and raspy voice, anger creeping in its tone. It got up, stomping away this time murmuring, "Where are they?"

I was frightened and confused but decided in that moment, like instinct, to ask the thing what it was talking about. With agitation clear in my voice, I urged a "Who?"

The giant turtle snapped its head to me with a sneer, twisting his features and looking even more intimidating. "I said quiet!" it yelled, with less patience this time hinting in its voice than anger.

I squeaked and gulped, shrinking into myself. What time is it? Where is my phone? I can probably call for help. Gosh, mom and dad must be so worried about me by now. I started to tear up slightly because I thought of the worst possible scenarios that could happen to me and how my parents would know nothing about it. I'd be known as a missing person and even worse, I could be missing and dead somewhere and they would never find my body.

I blinked away my tears as the thing began to stride towards me once again. This time, my scream was louder and I spat out some words.


I begged for my life at that moment and all that turtle thing did was place a cloth over my mouth with its giant hands. Even with me struggling and trying to resist, it tied the back of the cloth behind my head, pulling my hair and making me wince in pain.

"I told you to shut IT." The turtle said and smacked my head with its giant hand.

I whimpered underneath the cloth that muffled my sounds and began to actually cry. I was scared to death and tried to scream again but all of it was muffled by that piece of fabric.

I prayed for someone to come save me, anyone: the police, a random civilian walking on the street that could hear the stifled cries of a defenseless girl, or mom and dad.

My thoughts were broken by that raspy, fear inducing voice, sending a chill down my spine.

"Well, looks like they aren't coming. Let's go. We'll find another place to get their attention." The turtle said, taking two steps to get to me and placing its whole hand over the back of my shoulders. It stood me up and that's when I had the bright idea to try and make a run for it, my legs were not bound in any way.

I took advantage of the situation and bolted, though it was an absolute waste of mobility. The turtle thing didn't even seem worried that I'd run away, and used its massive hand to grab me and place me over its shoulder as if I weighed like a bag of lays chips.

Again, I tried worming my way out of its grasp but my efforts were no use, I was indeed stuck in place by the grip he had on my upper back. This is it... I'm done for. I love you mom, I love you dad. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough.

Just then I heard a loud sound of a large knife, perhaps a sword if we're getting technical, and a voice. The voice of a thousand angels with the words I prayed to hear from someone.

"Let. Her. Go."

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