Chapter 4: Operation: Rescue the Girl

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I was placed back down on the ground with no back support this time and ended up laying on my side. I couldn't see very well because of how dark it had become but there were so many noises like punching and shouting. Occasionally I heard weapons being drawn out and clanging against each other and that was enough for me to try and scoot away from the scene.

I could only get so far when I was bounced from the ground slightly by a heavy stomp that shook the entire area I was on. My eyes widened when the monster turtle's foot landed inches away from my face. It stomped again, worming its foot nearer and if I hadn't turned away, the turtle was sure going to crush my skull.

I yelped but the cloth around my mouth muffled the sound and I shut my eyes. Just then, I was turned on my back at the same time by someone and as I was about to open my eyes to this sudden contact, I heard a small explosion next to me and smoke entered the atmosphere.

Dangit, I can't see a thing! I thought.

"AUGH! Is that all you can do? Hide? What's wrong, are you too afraid to face me?! Fight me cowards!" The large turtle spatted.

Once more, I was touched, being lifted from my back against the ground and picked up very gently, held in bridle style and all of a sudden, I felt safe.

Someone came to save me. Someone actually came to...

My thoughts were interrupted when the person holding me suddenly darted to the left, jostling me violently. "Dudes, watch it! I'm holdin' someone here! Geez, you'd think they'd learn their manners by now." They huffed, sounding exasperated.

Was he talking to me?

The guy holding me had a Californian accent and while he was carrying me away, I heard him humming to himself. Is he singing?

At that moment, I heard a loud BOOM and the monster turtle roar. The pounding in my chest was so intense that even through the loud noises, my heartbeat was the only thing I could hear. I wouldn't doubt that my rescuer could hear it too.

"Whoops, gotta go!" The guy holding me said. He bolted and I felt the arm that was holding onto my legs leave them. I yipped, afraid he was going to let go of me entirely. Too bad I was tied up, or else I would have put my arms around his neck to better support my weight but... to my surprise, he held me with his other hand that was on my back with ease. He adjusted that same hand lifting me higher so his grip was firmer around me. After that, I heard a chain of sorts, then it being spun in the air and released.

"Aw, yeah boy! Score!" I heard the guy say, "Just hold on, I mean uh, sit tight!" He then strengthened his grip and held me tighter–closer to his chest. He must be wearing some sort of armor. I can feel it on my own chest. I trusted my hero and shut my eyes, placing my head down and to the side trying to get it into the crook of his neck for extra security.

I felt the guy hop off wherever we were and swing us through the air. I squealed because it was such a sudden action, though he did warn me to "sit tight".

We landed and he walked a little ways more before finally placing me down. I still couldn't see much because we ended up in another shadowy area.He probably did this on purpose so I wouldn't see him, what a vigilante thing to do. I thought to myself.

He moved my body forward from where I was sitting and began to untie me, humming once again.

All at once, I heard a bunch of grunts and footsteps coming towards me.

"We got away just in time." Someone began, "Did you get the girl?"

"Duh, don't you see a girl I'm untying right now? You need to check your eyes because you ask obvious questions when you should be asking how I was able to– OW!"

The guy with the California accent was interrupted and all of a sudden, I felt my hands get free with a blade cutting straight through the strong rope.

"You should have just cut her free, where's your common sense? She would've been gone ages ago." Someone with a tougher voice said.


With my hands finally free, I quickly took the cloth off that was restricting my mouth and rubbed my sore wrists, softly hissing at the after sting the rope left. At last, I was able to talk and turned to the voices just as fast.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving me. I thought that was the end of my life." I caressed my throbbing wrists and stood up. "Who are you?" I asked, curious to know who my rescuers were.

"Hello Miss, we are very sorry for the inconvenience our responsibilities caused you." A cute and nerdy voice said.

My eyes were trying to adjust to the four figures standing in front of me. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't see you." I took a tiny step closer to them. "May we go into the light so that I can look at the ones that saved me and thank them properly?"

One of the figures hopped a little and began to move towards me.

"Yeah boy! Just follow me, we'd be so happy to– OW! Okay, you gotta stop doin' that bro!" The one that carried me before responded. I heard a grunt from the one that had a tough voice.

"No, we won't be showing ourselves. You're welcome. Please get home safe." Someone else I haven't heard from said assertively.

I saw the figures walking away and before I could say "wait," they were gone. I ran out of the shadowed area and looked around. No sign of my heroes and no sign near home nor my school. I was completely alone. I patted my shirt and then pants and realized I did not have my phone. "Shoot! I must've left it in my backpack before I got taken! My backpack, where is my backpack?! Oh my, mom and dad must be so worried. What should I do?"

My thoughts were being said out loud and they wouldn't stop.

"I know! Gas station, must find a gas station! Or even better, a police station! Yes, uh, whichever I find first, don't panic, just stay on the side and try not to be paranoid. God, this is terrifying."

I began to walk on the side of some walls and made my way to goodness knows where.

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