Chapter 3: Where are They?

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A visit to the suburbs of New York where mutant activity is less common, can be both refreshing and concerning. It means I've strayed too far from them and need to go back and get their attention, I just need to figure out how to do it. I can't do something as silly as say rob a bank, that's not risky enough and I have too much honor for that. They wouldn't have a reason to truly fight me unless... unless a hostage is involved. Yes, a hostage that looks like they cannot handle themselves. A girl perhaps, I remember Donatello being head over heels for that girl, April O'Niel. I shall find her, capture her and make the turtles beg for mercy as I threaten to harm her.

I stood on the edge of a rooftop when I heard a voice. It was a soft voice and that was enough to put me into stealth mode. If watching Raphael taught me anything, it's that whenever there are people around, you hide in the shadows and stay low.

Immediately, I jumped off the roof and made my way into the alleyway where that voice had come from. I hopped off of the walls and on top of a huge garbage can, making it crash with the impact of my weight. So much for stealth.

Checking the side where I'd hidden, I noticed a girl just standing there, looking directly in the distance of the alleyway. If I didn't know any better, this girl looked about the same height as April O'Neil, though it was too dark to tell what she looked like. I assumed it was her and if it was not, I'm sure the turtles wouldn't hesitate to save her. Besides, they are all a bunch of simps, I'm sure at least one of them will stop at nothing to save her just because she's a girl. A bunch of wannabe heroes.

I heard shuffling and noticed she started to move away from the alleyway, no way was I going to let that happen.

Swiftly, I snuck behind her where it looked to be the most obvious escape but in the process, I moved more cans of sorts and made more noise. No matter, she was mine and my job was almost complete.

Now behind her, I merely watched as she backtracked right into me. This is my chance. Before she could turn around and look at me, I snatched my bat and thrashed her across her head. The sound of her hitting the pavement like a sack of bricks made a satisfying noise as it echoed around the alleyway. Kneeling down, I hover my index finger under her nose to check if she was still breathing, and to my surprise, I felt soft puffs of air hitting it. Resilience, how interesting. Upon further investigation, it looked as if she wouldn't come to any time soon. Perfect for moving around without an issue. Last thing I needed was struggle.

I took a hold of the unconscious girl and placed her over my shoulder. She was out like a light and I will admit, it was rather humorous, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Climbing up the wall next to me, I leaped onto a nearby air conditioner, making my way onto the rooftop. I had some walking to do from here so I kept the girl on my shoulder and began my journey.

It seemed like the more I walked, the less rooftops there were around me, so I stopped where a water tower was and placed the girl against the thick metal pipe that was holding the tank. Can't have her escaping now, I thought to myself as I grabbed a spare rope from my belt of supplies and tied her wrists behind her back, leading the excess parts of the rope around her lower torso and back to her wrists again, double layering it ensuring security. This was rather easy, for her frame was no bigger than a roach.

Walking to the brim of that rooftop, I began my lookout. I needed a little exposure to reveal my location if I was going to catch those turtles and destroy them once and for all so I reached for the back of my utility belt and took hold of a flare gun. I only have one shot for this but it's impossible for me to mess it up, unlike Michelangelo, he would have totally screwed up something as simple as shooting a flare.

I raised my colossal arm high up in the air with the flare gun in hand and pulled the trigger roughly. The kick-back the flare gun gave had my arm retracting into my shell. I didn't think it would be that jolting. The night sky lit up like the fourth of July and despite the circumstances, I found the beacon the flare illuminated was absolutely beautiful, for I can appreciate art. With this bright of a light, I was sure as heck that it not only alerted the turtles but everyone in New York. Now all that was left to do was wait.

I heard a small voice behind me, that same small voice I heard in the alleyway while I was above the rooftop. I turned around to see the girl stirring awake. There's no way I could let her start screaming, though, it would be entertaining for me to hear her useless, sorry cries for help. Not wanting to grow a headache, I grabbed a cloth I had tied around my belt and stepped towards her. I needed my fight with the turtles to be as swift as possible with no complications. Maybe if she behaves, I won't have to use it.

I knelt down in front of her as she wriggled around in the area and placed my large finger over her mouth to shut her irritating noises.

"Shut it." I commanded. Let's see how long she lasts without screaming.

I grew impatient as I stood back up. The turtles should be here by now. Somehow, my thoughts were so loud and invasive that they spilled out of my head and onto my mouth. "Where are they?" I asked myself.

I heard that little voice pipe up in a shaky tone add onto the now piling questions. "Who?" the voice denoted. I almost gave myself whiplash with how fast my head turned to her. My patience was wearing thin and I didn't want to deal with anymore of that pitchy voice so I was forced to do what I didn't want to. It was too much work to actively shut this girl up but it had to be done.

Stomping towards her, she began to scream, begging for her life, pleading I don't hurt her. While I relished in the beseeching cries of her screams, I knelt down in front of her, grabbing the cloth and tying it around her mouth, telling her to shut her trap once again. It was hopeless thinking she'd behave so I reinstated my commands for her to shut it and smacked her head after tying a knot to remind her I'd get violent if she didn't stop.

Once again, my thoughts spilled from my head. "Well, looks like they aren't coming. Let's go. We'll find another place to get their attention."

I picked up the girl by the shoulders and it seemed as if she was about to run so I grabbed her with ease when she moved and placed her over my shoulder. Glad she was still tied by the mouth, it made her at least tolerable.

She was trying to flounder out of my grasp, but her strength is like a malnourished rat trying to squirm out of a cage of steel. Just when I was about to resume my journey, I heard a sword being drawn out pretty close to me. Well, better late than never, right? They're here. 

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