Prologue: Like A Flower, This Country Shall Too Bloom

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"Do you think the rumors are true? Are we really going to war?"

"I don't wanna go to wife and I just had twins, a boy and a girl...I miss the Queen. She would never let it come to this"

"Aye! Shut up you idiots, the new chancellor's about to speak"

A tall man with broad shoulders walked towards the podium. He cleared his throat before speaking. His voice booming to the hundreds of Perditians.

"Greetings to my fellow Perditians! The shocking news of our Queen's passing has left the hearts of every one of us shattered. To think this once great country of Emovere has now, once again awoken the curse that plagued our lands and plastered war's ugly face all over it. As you all know most of the original fifty states were wiped out before Queen Elpis saved the hope of the future! After her passing, Elpis'' granddaughter led our great state. Sadly we were awoken today to the news of her death. If not to make matters worse, it seems the threat of war is once again on the cusp of reality, someone must do as the great Elpis did many, many years ago and save this land! Who better than I and all of you? We will continue being the shining light & hope for all Emoverians across the land! This is why, those of us in the High Council have agreed that instead of letting this beautiful home of ours fall into further despair, we will conquer all of it. We'll start by destroying that unholy neighbor of ours, Spes, then the rest will follow suit! Why Spes you ask with those confused looks on your face? Well, it's simple really." The chancellor pounded his fist into the podium before continuing. "THEY have sought out this war! THEY have desecrated the graves of our brothers and sisters! THEY have spat in the face of our religion! Our freedom! But most of all it was THEM who assassinated our once late, great queen and left our state headless! So, we will have vengeance and take back our losses!"

The hundreds of citizens in the crowd let their hearts be heard as they all cheered on the chancellor's words.

The chancellor calmed the crowd before continuing, "One last thing if you all will, with that said, this is our final warning to all Spesians: come crawling to Perdita & beg us for mercy, or become a casualty of war!"

"Ugh, this is gonna complicate things. What should we do, Fox?" Asked

"Well she said do whatever we feel is needed, so I say let's have some fun!" Grinned Fox.

"Well, the chancellor's right there for us to kill. Kill him and we get his seat. Pass this opportunity up and it may be a while until we have another chance like this again." Pondered Felichs as they scratched their head.

"Fuck I hate when you're right because that usually means no fun. I just know that freak swordsman's gotta be around somewhere just waiting for us. I've been itching to test my blade against hers. The only problem is with the amount of guards he has protecting him, we'd surely get filled with holes before we made it out." Stated Fox.

"Yeah...Damn it man I hate to lose this opportunity, but there's no point if we both end up dead. One of us has to be alive to take his seat. Said Felichs as they scratched their head more as their frustration built.

"Not just one of us, but specifically you. You lived here, you know the cruelty that he's placed upon Perditians. So, while I may have the blood of royalty you have these people's hearts." Fox said as he put his sword away. "C'mon let's go, we'll get him another time"

"No. I just thought of something. There's a party tonight; a celebration before their attack on Spes. It's a masked party too, so if we can make our way into that party we can get to the chancellor without anyone noticing. We'll need Rose to whip up some kind of poison, but once we get it, slip it into the kitchen and the deaths that follow will cause a commotion. Thanks to the distraction I'll be able to kill him without anyone noticing. Then when everyone is locked onto me, you come in and attack me." Felichs said as they pulled out a phone.

"Wait what? What's that gonna accomplish?" Questioned Fox.

"I'm not finished yet. He's a hero to these people, so killing him will make me public enemy number one." Stated Felichs before being cut off.

"So by me attacking you, I'll be looked at as a hero to these people! It's genius." Said Fox as he patted Felichs on the back.

"Not necessarily. You will be praised for your efforts but only if you kill me, or at least make it look that way." Continued Felichs. "That's where your sword comes in. It can create illusions as long as the temperature falls below freezing or above boiling point. So, you gotta find a way to make one of those two achievable."

As the two were setting their plan in motion, suddenly clapping could be heard.

"Bien, Bien, Bien, Je dirai que je suis impressionné (well, well, well, I'll say I'm impressed) Felichs, tu es vraiment une personne spéciale n'est-ce pas? (you really are a special individual aren't you?) Oh, my apologies, I forgot you mongrels from here only speak English. Anywho, you know, I'm pretty sure if you were to defect to our side and swear allegiance to Perdita you could become our strategist in a matter of no time." Chimed a woman's voice, echoing through the souls of Felichs and Fox.

"Tch, looks like we might have to go with plan b Felichs," Fox said as his teeth clenched tighter than the grip on his sword.

"And plan b is?" Felichs responded readying their knives.

"Kill this bitch and hope we make it out alive!"

"Hahahaha I'd love nothing more than for someone from this God-forsaken country to ACTUALLY give me a challenge. So, I, the descendant of Jeanne d'Arc, Rouen d'Arc accept you as a worthy opponent, you better not waste my time." Screamed Rouen d'Arc as she pointed her sword at Fox.

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