Turn 6: Only The Finest Of Soil Can Grow Such A Beautiful Flower

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One Year Ago

"Only one who sits so high could see the beauty of this world. I apologize if this offends you, but I envy you, Eirini. I too wish to be able to see the beautiful world you've created. To see through your eyes that which can only be seen by the goddess herself. I recall the stories my great-grandmother would tell me. The emerald green grass that blanketed the lands. A majestic royal-blue sky that would be accompanied by the fluffy, white clouds. Oceans that allowed us to walk amongst a race of people, who many believed had made their home above us. Oh, how I would have loved to have seen what she saw. My favorite thing though was the book she gave me. Supposedly there's a blank period after our Queen — Queen Elpis — left this land. I would love to learn more about it someday. The book also told of how she was the kindest person who always cared for her people and fought alongside them. Some say she even looked like you and that's why so many were so quick to champion her as Queen. It makes me wonder...is she you? Perhaps your daughter? Or maybe it's all just coincidence and she just happened to be born pure-hearted like you." Tournament sighed before continuing. "I have tried time and time again to trick myself into seeing the world like you, Eirini, but alas I am but a victim of my own curiosity. Now, I only see the ugliness created by its people. That's why I fear I can not walk the same path as you. Where you have given everybody an equal opportunity, I have made up my mind. Only one can save Inanis, Aidia, Sollicitus, Excitatur, Spes, and Perdita. Only one can unite this land. Sadly, that one is not me. No, I feel I am just like the people I judge. But! I have found someone who can. Someone who'll lead us all to a more beautiful life. I truly can not wait for your return, my dear." Tournament thought as they looked out over the horizon.

"V, are you ok? You're crying. Why is that?" A lady asked.

"Pahaha, it appears I am. Well, I promise you it's nothing, I'm just happy is all. Happy that very, very soon this country will know peace once again." Tournament responded.

"I get it, we're all ready. By the way, why bring me along when I'm not from Sollicitus? Surely Watson would've been a much better choice, would he not?" Questioned Alba.

"Funny enough he told me to bring you. Said you'd come in handy." Tournament answered nonchalantly.

"You're not gonna have me seduce someone, are you? I've never been the 'sexy type' according to most men." Alba disputed.

"Pahaha! No, no my dear nothing like that. But you must learn to love yourself more and care about others' opinions less." Stated Tournament.

"Eh? I never said I didn't look good, I think I look amazing!" Grumbled Alba. "By the way, why'd you bring Menos with us? Do you think that's smart?"

"Well, that's the other reason I brought you, my dear. You're strong enough to handle a few brutes if necessary." Chuckled Tournament.

Alba sighed before responding, "One last question. Why go through all of this if you already made a selection? Just seems pointless and surely I'm not the only one of us who said this to you."

"Have you ever played chess, my dear?" Tournament asked.

"Nah, never was a fan of board games." Responded Alba.

"Well, when it comes to chess, you have many pieces at your disposal to try and take your opponent's king. But every piece has its limitations. For instance, the pawn can only move forward — one step at a time — because that's all they know. A rook on the other hand can go forward and backward, left and right, causing one to constantly second guess their every move. Every piece has its limitations, but all are very important in their own way, just like people are. Every person has limitations too, but each is important for a country's growth and success." Explained Tournament. "Now, If you don't have any more questions, I'd like to make way for Tristis. Thanks to our friend I know a secret way in."

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