Turn 8: Those Who Run From Truth Fall Into A Bed Of Despair

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"No violence, eh? Then how the hell do you explain this?" Malu grumbled as she paced back and forth in the alley. "Where the heck are you guys at? Hurry up!"
"Cálmes a ustedas dos he's still breathing. I need you guys to get 'em back home though."
"What about you jefa? How about I stay here with you and let the lil whore magnet take 'em?"
"Oh, because I could really carry him on my own. Plus, how would I defend him and myself? If anything I should stay with Malu."
"Cállate, por favor. Both of you guys will go back together and I'll handle this shit here. I'm getting revenge for both you and Viento as well, so let me handle this. Besides, I need you guys to get him up and ready to move again, so all four of you can meet me in Inanis."
The two stared blankly at Malu as if she spoke a foreign language.
"Helloooo? You guys suddenly lost your ears?"
"Where the heck's Inanis?"
"I...I don't know! Ugh. Look I'll make sure to pay attention on the way there and find out to relay it to you guys. In the meantime, see if you can't find it before me. There's only a few weeks left until this damn thing goes down and I'd rather have a team."
"Wow. That's the first time you ever asked for help, dude. What's got you so concerned?"
"N-Nothing. Look, something just doesn't feel right is all. The sudden change of plans, weird rituals, and this weird power-"
"Power? Whadda mean power?"
"Is that what made you so exhausted after saving me? I mean, sure, fighting that many people would make anyone tired, but something seemed different when I held you. Also, your hair looks just a tad bit darker too."
"Huh? Really? I hadn't noticed. De todos modos, just take him back and get ready ok?"
"A-Alright. Whatever you say. What should we tell Baya though? She's gonna be worried about you when she sees him like this."
"Tell her the truth. I'd rather not lie to her. Plus she'd see right through it. Vastago can only lie if there's a chance to get in their pants."
As Suelo and Vastago took Viento and made their way back to Mediocris, Malu sat in the alleyway.
"Something does feel...different. I don't know why, but I feel a lot more tired as of late. On top of that, Vastago was right, my hair did get a bit darker. And here I thought I ate enough to have my hair green for life. I haven't heard from whoever the heck that was in a while, but I can still feel her presence. It's like she's watching me from afar, but why? Just who are you?"
As the thoughts raced through Malu's mind she began to doze off before remembering where she was.
"Probably not the safest place to rest. I should get back to the manor. I was already arrested once before, don't need that happening...now what wait just a minute. What do we have here? Solis? And...who's the pink-haired boy? I should try and get closer"
"Yuh sure I'm allowed to be out here?"
"Y-Y-Yeah, you'll be fine." The boy answered as he struggled to get the words out.
"Eh? Yuh don't sound so sure lil feller."
"D-D-Don't worry. I-I-I just have a sp-sp-speech imped-d-diment. I-I-It's hard to talk sometimes around n-n-new people."
"Oh? Well, don't feel embarrassed now! I ain't gonna hurt yuh!" Solis chuckled as he smacked the boy on the back. "Tell yuh what, anytime yuh need a lil just ask Ol' Uncle Solis here to help yuh out. Deal?"
"Th-Th-Thank you, but I'll p-p-pass. He's really kind. I hope you receive the blessings you deserve in life. W-W-Well this is my h-h-house."
"YUH HOUSE??? Whatta the Prince of Fortuna?"
"N-N-No, nothing like th-th-that. I-I-I'm just a-"
"Didn't I tell you not to stutter in my presence? If you're going to continue being a part of this family you need to make us look good at all times you good-for-nothing loser!"
"Aye now ma'am-"
"That is madam to you."
"Ok, ma'am. Now look here, I don't mean to be rude, but nobody should be makin' fun of someone for somethin' they can't control."
"Ira...why have you brought this filth to my house? It better be good."
"W-Well you see. A-After he didn't work out, I f-figured he'd help out!"
"Help out with what?"
"Ah, so you're participating in that stupid tournament as well? Very well, I'll cut to the chase. Since you're in I'm assuming you want Menos too. Well, it just happens that I want it as well and will strike a deal with you. I get Menos and you can have a house here in Fortuna, as well as citizenship, and you'll be given the last name Mors. It's a name you'll want to have as we are one of the very first families to help create Emovere."
"Now as nice as that sounds I'm sorry to tell yuh, but I don't care about winnin' that damn thing."
"W-Wait what???"
"Then what are you actually here for, eh? Are you trying to spark a war?"
"Nah, I'm just here to get my brother back. You see, I don't believe in leavin' anybody behind, 'specially if they had yuh back so many times. "
"I-I didn't know...I-I'm sorry mother."
"You little piece of!" Yelled Lily Mors as she readied to strike him before being stopped by Solis.
"Now that's the second time I've had to say somethin' to yuh. Ima startin' to get just a lil angry with yuh, so ima need yuh to leave 'em alone."
"Ira! Get inside this instant!"
"No. He's not goin' with yuh. Come on lil fella yuh stickin' with me from now on."
"Fine. Take the brat with you. He knows where his allegiance lies and soon enough so will you." Lily promised as she slammed the door on the two.
"W-W-Why did you d-d-do that?
"No kid deserves to be treated like that. Kids are precious things in this world who should be protected and cared for. She ain't your mother is she?"
"H-H-How did you know?"
"Aint no way a real mother would treat her child like that. I had a real mama. The most beautiful woman ever. She had a smile so wide it'd light up the whole room and a heart so big Eirini herself would be jealous. That's a real mama."
"I-I-I would've loved to have m-m-met your mom."
"As would she. Now let's get back to the manor. There's actually someone I'd like for you to meet. They're kinda close to your age. You'd like 'em."
"I-I-I hope so!"
As the two made their way back, Malu followed from a distance hoping Solis' wolf-like senses wouldn't notice her.

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