Turn 7: A Country Built Upon Hatred And Betrayal

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"Because of the condition you're in, you may feel some pain, child. Don't worry though, it won't be too much. A bit of a slight pinch and that's about it." Solid assured Felichs as they crushed up the sunflower.
Felichs eyes grew wide causing Tournament to speak up.
"I think it would be a better idea if I were to put them to sleep first, then perform the ritual. It appears as though they have a fear of needles that could affect the ritual." Tournament pointed out as they ran their hand across Felichs body, thrusting their palm into the child's stomach.
As they slowly fell into a deep slumber a boy with short, lavender-colored dreads resting on the right side of his face entered the room.
"WOOOOOW! THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!!" The boy yelled as the ends of his lips touched his cheeks. "We'll make such a beautiful couple one day."
"Aster, my dear, get a hold of yourself." Scolded Tournament.
"Ahem, do pardon me. I let my excitement get the best of me." Softly responded Aster as he cleared his throat and dropped his cloak.


The veins on Aster's arms and hands began to beat rapidly before bursting out of his body. Their greenish-red color resembled vines. Aster showed prolific control over them as he hovered over Felichs' body. The thorns' width shrunk, but their length grew as they dug into their body causing Felichs to grimace in pain.
"BWAHAHAH! I can only imagine how much pain the little runt would be in had you not done anything." Solid laughed as he handed Tournament the crushed sunflowers.
"You know, ever since meeting Fox, I feel as though I've become even more in love with plants. This plant is known as Aloe Ferox and is supposed to be a type of healing remedy. Mix it with some water after extracting the juices from the plant and voilà. Apparently, It can heal wounds at a much quicker rate. Which is perfect, because while I admire your skill, their body still isn't ready for the ritual. However, with this, we'll be able to speed up the healing process so their body can rapidly transfer the sunflowers throughout them." Tournament said as they poured the mixture over Felichs' body.

A few minutes had passed by and Felichs began to twitch. It was clear they had regained some control over their body — even if it was only for a slight moment.
"Even though the darkness cast over us the goddess continues blessing us to this day.

As she breathed life into this world, the first ones to walk, the Cloves, were made. Our ancestors have left, but we who have their blood run through us still follow their way. We are the Flowers and our people will no longer be strayed. You, my child, are yet another victim forced to enter this sick play. So rise. Rise once more and become the Flowers' spade!" Tournament chanted as they slowly poured the crushed sunflowers into one of the holes in Felichs' stomach.


"I hope they're worth it...V," Solid commented as he exited the room leaving Felichs and Tournament to themselves.
"Ughh my head is killing me. Where am I?" Felichs questioned as they slowly got up before falling over. "Ouch! What the?"
"Be patient my dear, it's going to take you some time to get used to things. I mean, every bone in your body was broken." Tournament chuckled as they helped Felichs up off the floor.
"Thank you...although I don't get it. Why are you doing this? You have zero reason to help me. I'm nothing to you. Not family. Not friends. Nothing." Felichs pointed out.

Tournament looked on as a single tear formed in their eye. Before Felichs could notice, they caught it with their lashes.
"Well, how about we transition from this into your questions? I'm sure there are many things you'd like to know and I also have something you need to hear. But first, how are you feeling?" Tournament questioned
"You mean after having every bone in my body get destroyed or having a hundred holes poked into me? Or, or, maybe you mean after you dumped a bunch of random herbs into me?" Grumbled Felichs as they chugged down a glass of water.
"I see, it appears as though you're still suffering from your injuries. Normally, Solid's ability would work instantly. Sadly though, for someone in your position, it may take more time. I'd say in about three to four weeks and you should be fine." Commented Tournament.
"Three to four weeks?! Tch, so that means I'll still be in bad shape going into Tournouá...That's just fantastic." Felichs thought to themself as they grimaced in pain. "I'll be fine. I might end up taking these bandages off though. I don't want anyone thinking I'm an easy target."
"I wouldn't take those off if I was you. Since holes in your body haven't fully healed up, you'll bleed out if you remove the bandages."
"So I'm supposed to just let everybody know 'Hey, come after me. I'm badly broken and can be an easy win. Yeah, that's the last thing I'm doing. I'll give it until Tournouá, but these need to come off."
"Hm, I was off the belief you've always been a target. I mean, sure you're not in a gang or a bandit, but your town's filled with. And from the reports I've gotten they seem to prey after you civilians the most. So, why would it matter if anybody saw you wrapped up? I believe if they thought you're the easiest opponent, they'd actually save you for last to get an easy win."
"Well, that's true too I guess. Fine, I'll keep 'em on, but I swear if-"
"I mean, if you're that worried you could always take Fox up on his offer. I'm sure it's still on the table. You know, he's taken quite a liking to you after all."
"Yeah...a bit too much if you ask me. Anyways, what was that ritual?"
"It's called Flower Passage. Something that's been a bit taboo in today's society." Tournament snickered as they handed Felichs more water. "By the way, do you watch your water intake — or should I say lack thereof."
"What? Am I a plant or something?"
"No, no, nothing like that. It's just, well, you haven't drank any water the past two days and the human body can only go so long without it."
"I've gone weeks without it before. I think I'll be fine."
"WEEKS?!" Tournament gasped as they spit water all over their mask. "Goodness me, my apologies. I just never heard of someone going weeks without drinking anything."
"Yeah, well our water comes from a river and isn't filtered like yours is. But anyways what's this Flower Passage?"
"Hm, the child's more interesting than I thought. I reckon this is Sana's work. That lady's healing might be even greater than Solid's. But if that's the case then why never heal yourself..." Tournament muttered as their thoughts continued to frustrate them. "Like I said, it's a ritual that's not allowed to be talked about in Emovere. That was a rule set in place by the last Queen."
"You know, speaking of her, or I guess leaders in general, who's really in charge? Because you guys claim to be the council of Emovere, yet you don't make any rules — that's each state's leader. However, I heard some rules were set in place during some Queen's period we still follow today. Which is even weirder because some people have said she's fake, but others have said she's real. So, what the heck is actually going on here?"
"Well, I believe we have a few other pressing matters to attend to first before talking about that. But don't worry because I have a pretty interesting take in regards to it."
"So...you're dodging the questions...got it."
"PAHAHA! No, my dear, nothing of the sort. I just feel after you hear about it you may forget your other questions and I promised to tell you everything that I possibly can."
"Fine, but I do have three things I need answered aside from my previous questions."
"It's a good thing I cleared up my schedule today, or else I'd be barked at for not doing my work." Chuckled Tournament as they sat back in their chair. "Felichs, my dear, may I ask a question before you?"
"Sure. Go ahead."
"Do you have anyone you feel comfortable around? Like you can just be yourself and not have to worry about judgment?"
"Eh? Odd question, but I mean." Felichs pondered a moment before giving their response. "Weirdly enough, you."
"Me? Well, now that wasn't an answer I was expecting."
"Don't get me wrong, the whole not showing your face thing is strange. Plus your level of care for me is also concerning. Now, add in the fact that you swear up and down that I'm special and you got yourself one walking 'Do Not Trust' sign. Aside from those things you don't seem like the judgmental type, nor do you seem like you care for people hiding their real selves. Which, again, is crazy coming from the weirdo hiding their face...Also, don't flatter yourself. It's not that I like being around you or anything. I'd just rather be around you than the others in this house. If they get on my nerves I can't fight them, but you, the seemingly head of this place and the person who was ready to fight me right as soon as they saw me, oh yeah I definitely can. Hell, I'll go as far as to say you've probably been waiting for me to throw the first punch."
"Is that so? Well, I won't say you're wrong. In fact, I would love to see just how strong you actually are. But that's something we can do at a later date, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Well then, I guess my first question would have to do with this thing called the Wheel of Breath. What is it? I...I uhhh...I heard about it from someone."
"Now I could've sworn you said you were comfortable around me. You don't have to lie to me, Felichs." Tournament chuckled before continuing, "That was one of the few reasons why I said you were special. You see, many believe the Wheel of Breath to have been created by some higher power, but that can't be further from the truth. It was created by mankind. We that walk this planet, are the cause for this ability's creation by letting our emotions become so powerful that now take form."
"That's it? I thought it would've been much deeper than that."
"Such an impatient one you are. Of course, that's not the only reason for its creation. I mean, if it was then everybody would have access to it, would they not? No, no my dear, you see Eirini's hand was also in the pot. Though I can not tell you exactly how seeing as the writer of this book didn't know themselves. But I believe whatever she did was for Elpis. When she was the ruler Elpis was said to have a powerful ally by her side, an ally who could use strange powers unbeknownst to man. Sadly his name is not known either it seems, but there's a list of instructions on how to awaken and activate said ability." Tournament continued as they flipped through the book. "Ah, here it is! For one to awaken the wheel of breath you must reach an emotion's maximum state. For instance, if you are in a state of fear, you have to truly believe something catastrophic is going to happen. Once unlocked it appears as though the other abilities unlock as well."
"So, it's an emotion-based power?"
"Well, I did say it was created by us and our emotions. Now, as far as each handle it seems to the author of this book that they're six known emotions, but also says there could be more, those being:

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