Turn 4: Some Things Can Never Be Forgiven

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The mood in the room had grown tense. Felichs. Solis. Malu. One who desired to save their ailing mother. One whose guilt ran so deep, now wanting to write the wrongs of his past. And one who wanted to avenge her parents' deaths. Three different roads, that before this week. would've never crossed each other. But now, as these competitors stand face to face with each other, they could feel that only one of them would be standing at the end. Especially after a letter was dropped in their room.

It read:

"Pahaha! What is Tournoá Tou Menos? Is Menos even real? Who is this Tournament and why do they have such a beautiful aura? Questions...yes, yes so many questions, but still no answers. Well, fret not, because they'll all be shared with each one of you real soon. Although I'm pretty sure most of you have already come to some well-thought-out conclusions. For the few who haven't yet put the pieces together, or maybe just one who hasn't, in a few weeks you'll have all your answers. By the way, I hope you're all enjoying your stay in Fortuna, and do remember no violence. It's not tolerated here and you will be facing punishment via your state. Speaking of states, that does bring me to my other point for this letter. You will NOT be traveling the five states. Tried as I could, but sadly some plans just don't fall through. But worry not because we'll still be heading out of Perdita and making our way to the state of emptiness, Inanis. If you're unfamiliar with the state don't worry it's honestly not much of a state anymore since these wretched wars. Actually, my poor, poor friend here, lost his home and family due to these wars. Anywho, Tournoá Tou Menos begins in three weeks' time, but we'll be leaving in two weeks to make sure you all get twenty-four before the start time to prepare. Haven't a nice day and remember you're all here because of how special you are or could be...besides you, you wretched dog."

Malu dry-fired three more shots at the letter before walking past Felichs.

"Something about her...I don't like it. Her aura feels as bad as she smells..." Felichs muttered.

"Ughh this gonna be a pain...Eirini take the wheel." Solis thought as he smacked his face.

Felichs' eyes stayed pointed at Malu.

"Another person from that list...a target? Or maybe she has that same weird power that me and Solis have. Either way, she's definitely not a friend. Not a friend of mine nor Tournament's either...I wonder what happened when they met.

"Aye, puta, you stare long enough pervert?" Malu said as she covered herself up with her sweater.

"I wasn't-" Felichs started to say before going back to their thoughts. "Ughhh, never mind no point in tryna say something. Not like she'll listen anyways."

"WAHAHA! Yuh two 'mind me of me and my ol lady." Solis remarked.

"I didn't know you're married?" Felichs gasped.

"Yeah, thanks to this damn war though, she passed away a few years ago. And 'fore y'all get all sappy on me, she passed away happily in my arms." Solis remarked.

"I'm sorry..." Malu sobbed. "I hope you're ok mi amor..."

"Me too..." Sniffled Felichs. "Maybe I made a mistake coming here..."

"Now I thought I said no getting all teary-eyed on me? Whatta 'bout y'all two? Anyone special in y'all lives?" Questioned Solis.

"Mi vieja. She wanted to come with me, but it's too many people to look out for." Said Malu.

"Oh ho, gotcha yuhself a lil lady too eh? Well, I feel yuh pain. Always 'member keep yuh wife happy, so yuh'll live a lil longer and yuh belly'll get a lil bigger." Solis chuckled as he got to lay beside Nox.

"Thank you-" Malu started to say before being cut off.

A deafening scream shook through the entire house.

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