A Wholesome Night

70 6 19

I've finally decided to write again, and I said when this story reached 400 reads, I would make a nice and wholesome chapter- so here y'all go lol

Min's POV:

I was just casually walking down my house's hallway, although I pause when I hear some rather insist knocking below me, at what I assume is my front door. "ughh...who the hell?" I groan, speed walking to my stairs before practically jumping down them.

Once on the first floor, I walk towards the front door, opening it. "if you're one of those girl scouts, I don't want your mint thins-" I mutter, although outside my door is Sasha, rather than some girl scout.

"I- Sash?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I look at Sasha, confused. "hey girlfriend! you said something in the groupchat saying you were bored and home alone, so yours truly has arrived!~" I blink a few times, trying to process Sasha's words.


Sasha chuckles when she sees my confused expression, and she walks into my house, gently moving me aside. "You heard me. unless you're going deaf on me, Aiko?" Sasha says, putting her hands behind her head with a teasing smirk.

I give a mocking gasp, before running to catch up with Sasha, soon falling into step beside her as I elbow her side, watching her stumble. "pfft, in your dreams." I remark, sticking my tongue out at Sasha.

I quickly beat her to the couch, considering I assume that's where she was going, and I jump over the back of it, getting comfortable and laying down on the couch, taking up the entire thing to mess with Sasha. "hah."

Sasha looks down at me and rolls her eyes with a grin, before sitting down on my stomach. I wheeze, clearly startled. Sasha simply smirks in response to my suffering, stealing my TV remote and turning on one of her favorite shows. "you got any popcorn?"

I wiggle into a sitting position, which eventually lands with Sasha sitting on my lap/legs while I sit sideways. "a couple bags, yeah." I shrug, watching Sasha lean back and prop her feet on my coffee table. if my mom finds out she did that, she will be pissed-

I chuckle at my thought process, and Sasha raises and eyebrow at me, flicking my forehead. "what's so funny?" my chuckling develops into full blown laughter as I hold my stomach, leaning my forehead against Sasha's shoulder. "pfft- hahaha!"

Sasha playfully scoffs, pushing my head away from her shoulder while giggling herself. "I don't know what you're laughing about, but shut up!" Her words only fuel my laughter, which eventually dies down. "fine, fine- I assume you want popcorn?"

Sasha nods, before rolling - yes rolling - off my legs and onto the floor. I roll my eyes, ruffling Sasha's hair with a small smirk. I watch as she groans, quickly taking to fixing her hair as I walk off to the kitchen.

Sasha's POV:

I watch Min walk off to the kitchen, and I grumble under my breath. "she messed up my hair...again." I eventually just take my hair out of its usual ponytail, tossing the ponytail holder onto the coffee table and using my fingers to push some of the tangles out of it.

I continue watching my show, until I hear some rather annoyed cursing come from the kitchen. "god damn piece of shit! fucking hell! ow!" I raise an eyebrow, pausing my show and getting up, walking into the kitchen.

"Min? you good?" I ask, poking my head into the kitchen, where I see Min glaring at a popcorn bag while drowning her hand in water. "the bag burnt me!" I stand there, processing Min's words, before sighing and walking over, picking the bag up and opening it. "how? it's not even hot."

Min then stares at me like they just saw a ghost, and I raise an eyebrow. "..what?"

"YOU WITCH- HOW THE HELL CAN YOU HOLD THE BAG LIKE THAT?!" Min suddenly yells, making me wince from her tone. "damn dude, calm down." "I CAN'T CALM DOWN, MY BEST FRIEND IS A WITCH!!"

Min quickly grabs a towel to dry off her hand, before running out of the kitchen. it's obvious she's just messing around, judging by her little gremlin laugh as she runs off. I sigh, shaking my head with a smile as I leave the kitchen, setting the popcorn on the coffee table.

"not a witch dude." I say, looking at Min, who's hiding behind the railing on her stairs with a small grin. I watch her take off upstairs and I roll my eyes, sitting on the couch and unpausing my show.

It's relatively silent for about 15 minutes.

too quiet.

knowing Min, she's planning something. so, I pause my show again, before walking towards the stairs and yelling up them. "Min! get your ass down here, you're missing the best part!" I hear a small crash, and a couple muffled cuss words, before Min's head pops around the wall to the stairs.

"I'll be down there in 5 minutes, go away Sash!" Min yells, before running back behind the wall. I sigh, but I comply and walk back to the couch, sitting down with a small sigh.

Min's POV:

I quickly slip back into my room after I hear Sasha's room resume, and I get back to my plan. you see, Sasha normally doesn't drop by my house without reason. and just because I said I was bored and home alone? the only reason she would come over like that is because of her parents being dicks.

and so, knowing Sasha, she'd want to sleep over. so, I decided to create a little pillow and blanket fort on my bed. once I finally finish the fort, I quickly run downstairs, grabbing Sasha's arm. "c'mere!"

Sasha chuckles, pausing her show before following me upstairs. once we reach my room, I stand in front of my makeshift fort with a proud grin. "voila!" Sasha stares at me and the fort for a few minutes, before laughing softly and walking up to me.

"I guess you know me too well, don't you?" Sasha says, ruffling my short hair, before climbing into the fort. I blink a couple times, before quickly climbing into the fort after Sasha. "hey! what have I said about messing with my ha-"

I begin, yet I'm quickly silenced by Sasha, who drags me into a hug. "thanks Min. not many people genuinely keep my well-being in mind, so..." Sasha says quietly in my ear, and I lay beside her silently for a bit. after some silence, I wrap my arms around Sasha in return, sighing softly.

"..you're welcome." I mutter, leaning my head against Sasha's chest. I feel Sasha wrap her arms around my waist, and I hum.

the next thing I know, it's morning, and the groupchat has 200+ notifications from Marcy and Anne-

well, hope you two enjoyed this lol

it took me awhile to finish this, but it needed done lol

make sure to eat and hydrate yourself, or I will summon myself under your bed and scare you :3


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