To find the light

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As the smoke cleared, debris and crushed buildings riddled the entirety of the city.  The smell of burning flesh permeated the air as Godzilla composed himself. The fight was finally over, and Godzilla has finally brought peace back to the planet once again. As he looks around him, the same kaiju that had been causing mass destruction merely hours before, bowed to him in recognition of their powerful king. Godzilla growls, getting the attention of the large titans instantly. "Return to your territories. And do not leave them unless called upon. Go." He snapped, the air around them instantly changing. With haste, each kaiju bowed to their king once more before starting their journey back home. As Rodan raised himself, he could hear another low growl bellow from his superior. "You. Stay." He commanded, his piercing eyes felt as if they cut straight through Rodan's hardened exterior. Watching as the rest made their speedy exit, the fire demon quietly looked back to Godzilla with worry. For the first time in many years, Rodan felt true fear wash over him.  "My king.." he clicked calmly, lowering his head to Godzilla as he approached. "Silence." Godzilla huffed, causing Rodan to look up in shock. 

"You are a traitor, Rodan. I should have your head for your foolishness." Godzilla scowled. Rodan's gaze dropped to the floor, unable to look Godzilla in the eye. He knew what he did was reckless and defiant. He aided in the murder of the Queen, something he knew he wouldn't be able to get away with unscathed. With a few clicks of discontent, Rodan sighed in recognition. "I'm so sorry my king.." he started, searching for an excuse to somehow get out of this. "I just-" "Just what?" Godzilla interrupted, he seemed to get more irritated as the conversation went on. "I.. I was merely following the orders of the alpha. I promise.. I will never do such things again! You are the true King!" Rodan paused, his breath hitching in his chest as he waited for Godzilla's final answer. After a minute or two the large titan huffed loudly. His gaze still locked onto Rodan as he spoke. "If you ever pull a stunt like this again... your life is mine. Get out of my sight." Godzilla growled, watching as Rodan quickly spread his flaming wings and lifted himself into the air, only the ash remaining as he squabbled away. 

Godzilla watched as each Kaiju disappeared into the smoky waters away from the city. All this work just to take down one bad egg, what a waste of time. Taking in one deep breath, the titan exhaled in a seemingly relieved fashion. He turned once more to the large metal bird the humans liked to observe him in. Though they didn't do much work, he was somewhat grateful for their little help to get him back into the fight. After a moment, he turned away from them to make his way back to the shoreline. He needed to take a nice long nap after this mess. Finally getting back to the water felt amazing to Godzilla. The cool waves felt almost healing to his aching muscles and skin. Thinking back to it, he hadn't reached that burning state in quite a while. It had been years since he came so close to death, though this time was different some how. His mind pondered for a moment before remembering a crucial detail. 'Mothra's sacrifice..' he thought to himself, swimming effortlessly through the ocean currents. 'She sacrificed herself for me.. I survived because of her..' he continued, feeling an intense set of emotions take over in that moment. It had been many moon's since he last saw Mothra as well. One day she was there, warning him of a battle she would be fighting alone. And the next, she was gone. She was always so fearless when it came to fighting, though he already knew why. The thought of her re-emerging as a feisty little larvae made him crack the ghost of a smile.

Night had fallen fast as Godzilla traveled the calm seas. Slowly he rose from the waters, soot and grime falling from the creases of his battle hardened skin. He was finally met with unoccupied grasslands, the cool breeze of the night helped put him in a much more somber mood. "Mothra.." he sighed quietly, lowering himself into a large patch of grass. 

'Where ever you are..' His golden orbs raised to the moon, its rays glistening off his watery scales. 

'I know you're healing..' his thoughts continued, the sound of soft crashing waves easing his mind. 

'It does not matter how much time passes.. I will always wait for you..' he yawned, his eyelids quickly becoming heavy as exhaustion took over. 'My Queen.. I will find you again..'


The days quickly passed by Godzilla. Turning from weeks, to months, to years since the fight with Ghidorah. Though it hadn't been all sunshine and roses since then. The number of fights Godzilla found himself in was quite staggering to say the least. From Kong and Mecha Godzilla, to Scilla and Tiamat, then back to Kong and Scar King, Godzilla was tired(Though some of those fights he intentionally started).  Within a fraction of a second, Godzilla's eyes snapped open at the sound of familiar singing, a soft scent lingering as well. The large nest he had found seemed to be the same, no signs of those pesky humans at the moment. Before he could even shift from his position, her golden presence gracefully landed on the ledge of the colosseum. The soft clicks and purrs of her calls instantly calmed Godzilla as he raised his head to look at her. "My Queen..!" he snorted happily, quickly rising out of the comforts of his nest to greet Mothra. 

"My King." Mothra trilled back, watching as the large titan bowed before her. As their eyes locked, Godzilla's usual scowl softened into a longing gaze. Their initial reunion was sweet but short due to the following fight. And to add to that, Mothra stayed behind for a bit to finish up some chores in hallow earth. With that, its safe to say they didn't have the time to enjoy each others company. After a moment, both titans leaned into each other to form a tender nuzzle. Mothra's soft head fluff grazed Godzilla's snout, sending shockwaves of comfort through his body. Gentle yet excited trills and clicks came from Mothra as she melted contently into his warmth. "I have been waiting for you, my queen." He chirred quietly, pulling away just enough to look at her again. "I assume you've taken care of the humans down below?" he huffed, getting a nod of agreement from her. "I made sure to make their barrier extra sturdy." she stated triumphantly. "Though I have confidence Kong will make sure they are safe as well." she continued, a grunt of approval coming from Godzilla . "Are you ready, Goji?"  she questioned, watching as Godzilla's expression changed to instant confusion. "Ready? Ready for what? Did I miss something?" This made her chuckle as she lifted herself into the air above him. "No silly, I have a surprise for you. But you have to follow me in order to see it. So up you go." she chirped, watching as the large lizard lazily left the comfort of his nest to follow her back to the ocean. 

As Godzilla's body disappeared into the blue of the water, his calls to her could still be heard as clear as day. After small back and forth, Godzilla was finally informed of their current destination. A decently sized island just far enough away from human civilization to live comfortably. This was a pleasant surprise to him. He had been so used to stepping around (but mostly on) humans that he forgot it was truly a problem. Without sparing anymore time, both titans made their way to their new nest. As Godzilla lifted himself from the icy ocean waters, Mothra landed in front of him to present her findings. As he looked to her, his golden orbs rested preciously on her refined elegance. She truly is as beautiful as the day he lost her. And now was the perfect time to keep her as close as possible. 

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