The Final Decision

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It had been a week since the intense conversation between Mothra and Godzilla. The dynamic between the two didn't change, but the atmosphere most certainly did. Both Kaiju knew that at some point the subject would come up again, but neither knew when or how. 

As the nights and days passed by, Mothra quickly became impatient with the thought of them avoiding it. To take her mind off of everything, she planned a trip back to Hallow Earth to have some time to herself. As the new day came in, Godzilla was surprised to see Mothra awake along with him. His snout gently nuzzled into her fluff as he gets her attention. "Why are you awake so early my queen? Is something the matter?" he questions, worry obvious in his tone. She picks up on this and quickly nudges her head against him. "No my king, everything is fine. I will be traveling to Hallow Earth to check on the tribe. I will also make sure there's no trouble happening that may bubble up to the surface." she trills calmly, quickly easing Godzilla's previous thoughts. Mothra perched herself on top of Godzilla's back as they made their way out of the nest and down to the beach. 

"Please, be safe my queen." Godzilla huffs quietly, getting a small content chirp from her. "I will, my king." she assures him, laying her head onto his as their bioluminescence dances between them.  After saying their goodbyes, Mothra lifts herself into the sky as Godzilla made his way to the sea. They knew their time apart would be short, but necessary for the development of their current situation. 


It did not take long for the humans to catch onto Mothra's plans. She watched as they scrambled to catch up to her in their small metal birds, their curiosity amusing to her. As Mothra approached a shallow pool nearing an unmarked island, she braced herself as she dove head first into it. The process of getting from one world to the next was no sweat for her, but did take great effort for the poor humans wanting to follow. Within seconds Mothra was already adjusted, gliding effortlessly through the crisp morning air. Emitting a short warning cry, the queen quickly arrived to her destination. Thankfully, the silk barrier she had put up earlier was undisturbed.

Not wanting to break through it, Mothra decided to take a brisk stroll around the area for any signs of trouble. Her eyes scanned endlessly around the dense trees, rocky nearby mountains, and various critters scattered around. After a thorough search, everything seemed to be clear with no immediate danger present. As Mothra took to the sky again, the screech of a Giant Condor caught her attention. The large Kaiju traveled alongside her, crying feverishly at the opportunity to see the queen again. It had been many many years since Mothra had seen such a creature, its beauty was well developed since then. Though it reminded her of that treacherous traitor Rodan, she nodded humbly to her as a sign of respect. The Condor nodded in return before looking behind her, a gentle cry calling to them both as Mothra turned as well. An incredibly young hatchling had been trailing behind the two, trying its best to keep up with its mother as its obvious first time flying. The small condor turned to its mother for approval before approaching Mothra, screeching nervously as it bumps into one of her legs. Mothra chuckles at this before leaning down slightly, her bioluminescence glowing brightly as she helps calm the condors fears. It caws again, bumping clumsily into her forehead as a goodbye before heading back to its mother. 

As Mothra watched them both leave, slight envy gradually picked away at her. She wanted to feel the same pride and joy, the same happiness at the mere sight of her own offspring. Before she could let it consume her, Mothra turned away to start making the trek back home. She had been noticing more and more hatchlings appear recently, chalking it up to being that time of season. It was almost maddening, longing for the same life but knowing the road to it was almost impossible. In the midst of her thoughts, she remembered another encounter just before she left to be with Godzilla:

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