Field Research

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This chapter contains slight nsfw mentions of a giant radioactive lizard and celestial moth getting it on. If you do not wish to have your eyeballs cursed by such mentions, skip the first two paragraphs until you reach the tilde(~) line. Or the whole chapter if its not your cup of tea.

Thank you for reading and enjoy!


It has been quite eventful for the Monarch scientists these past few months. Between studying the portals of hollow earth, keeping tabs on the other kaiju, and attempting to keep up with Kongs new tribe activities, they had their hands full. Though recently, they've been putting extra special attention into the current relationship between Gojira and Mosura. Before this, everyone assumed Godzilla was near emotionless aside from angry and territorial. What once was a destructive, calculated murder machine was now studied to be calm, capable of showing affection, and most surprising of all, incredibly gentle. The sudden changes of behavior was studied to be towards Mothra, and Mothra alone. Any other Kaiju or creature he encountered got the usual cold shoulder. This has intrigued the scientists intensely, and has been a very successful excuse to keep the worlds governments away from the couple. Though recently, Monarch made a legendary discovery after studying a large shift in behavior between the two. Godzilla had been leaving their territory less frequently, Mothra was recorded leaving only once to get "fresh air", and a strange frequency had been recorded from the two Kaiju multiple times. After some digging, and very intensive snooping, the scientists discovered the large titans had been courting each other, in attempts to mate.

This new information had blown all other studies out of the water to have every focus on them. From researchers arguing over who would be dedicated to 24 hour watch, to archivists scrambling to find any information on the two mating before, everyone was attempting to get a glimpse at this incredibly rare phenomena. Their performance was that no one had ever seen before. It was obvious the two had no confirmed form of mating, as they tried many different ways and techniques to get the job done. The most frequent position they liked to return to was dubbed The Hoover Maneuver by other scientists. After a week in a half, the queen and king had seemed to finish their mate. By then, all Monarch personnel had known, and was fascinated by the idea. What made them do this? Would there be a hybrid lizard-moth monster on the way? And most importantly, will it be safe?


The evening sky was quite calm today. The blazing sun seemed to get farther and farther as the weeks passed by, causing the days to become just a tiny bit chiller. Within those weeks, Mothra had been resting intensely. Her aching body healed bit by bit as Godzilla attended to her every need. Her mind had been racing with everything, all at once. Excitement, fear, worry, and the occasional bits of anger swirled around her thoughts rabidly. Thousands upon thousands of years of being alive, and yet this was something new. Something she had never experienced before, and it was a very intense thrill. Sitting herself up, she found the strength to make it out of the nest and onto the beach. The sand that was far hotter during the day, was cool and comforting underneath her. Her body sank into it instantly, its grainy texture always felt interesting to her. As it encased the rest of her body, she sighed happily in recognition of her current state. Her abdomen was much heavier, and larger than before. Usually this meant she was ready to lay her egg, but this was much different. She didn't feel nearly the same as before, from the constant feeding to her body aching. The timing was also quite peculiar. She was no where near ready to lay her egg, which usually only took about a week to do so. She was curious if this was what all mothers go through when producing offspring. As her eyes looked endlessly into the starry night sky, Godzilla had finally returned with her dinner.

His eyes lit up as he saw her. He wasn't expecting to see her up and about like this, it was relieving to say the least. Mothra's state had seemed to only decline to him, she wasn't nearly as energetic as before. Her usual chipper mood was drowned out with exhaustion most days. Though she didn't have as much energy, she still showed her excitement to Godzilla whenever she could. Her eager chirps and trills assured him that she was ok, and that this was only temporary. As he approached, a soft humming vibration emitted from him to match her eager singing.

"I have returned my queen.." Godzilla's voice muffled, something obviously lodged within his jaws. Mothra looked up at him curiously, he normally brought back some type of sea creature for them to dine on. What could possibly be in his mouth? Maybe he had no luck hunting and had to catch smaller? She tilted her head a bit before motioning for him to settle down with her. Before she could ask, Godzilla leaned down to plop an arrangement of different flowers, plants, and fruits in front of her. All she could do was stare in shock as it all fell down piece by piece. While many were record breakingly large (by human standards) she recognized it was all her favorite snacks. It wasnt the first time he had been so kind to cater to her diet, but this was the largest amount she's ever seen him collect. It must have taken him all day to find, meaning he may not have eaten himself. As the thoughts swirled around her mind, her heart was filled to the brim with overwhelming joy.

Godzilla swished his tongue around his mouth, making sure he got out every inch of plant. He hated the taste, it was far too bitter and made his teeth feel weird afterwards. As far as he could remember, Mothra enjoyed feasting on vegetation far more than any meat. He knew this, and yet he had only brought them back a handful of times for her. Even though he preferred their usual catch of tender meat, his will was stronger than his stomach as he scavenged to find as many of her favorites as possible. He applauded himself for somehow remembering most of them, it was far more difficult to actually find them more than anything. He wanted her to be happy, to eat how she liked for a while without worry of becoming sick. It didn't matter to him if he skipped a few meals to hunt for only her, anything for his queen. Finally content with his veggie-free teeth, his eyes settled back onto her, surprised by how happy she had become.

"Why.. did you do this Goji?" she asked quietly, her eyes scanning through the pile of goodies for her choosing. Godzilla thought for a moment before finally settling in next to her, his tail wrapping around her comfortably. "To feed my queen." he huffed, gently grooming her wings to calm her. If moths could cry, she would have been a sniffling mess by now. She squeaked out a sincere 'Thank you' before quickly chowing down on her feast. Though it was an incredibly large amount of food, most of it disappeared within a few minutes. Godzilla watched in awe as she ate, she was far more ravenous now than what she was a couple weeks ago. He knew from this point, it was far more important for her to eat than anything. After a moment, Mothra regained herself as she contently groomed her raptorial legs. As interesting as it was to watch, Godzilla pushed aside his amusement to nuzzle into her neck. "Shall I take you to the nest my darling?" he purred, his bioluminescence shinning brightly as she nuzzled back into him. "Yes my king, let us rest now." she agreed, lifting herself out of the sand to crawl onto Godzilla's back. As she settled contently between his dorsal plates, Godzilla's attention instantly turned to the small drone that had been hovering around them for a while. His famous scowl returned as his eyes locked onto the small metal contraption. 'Its already starting' he thought to himself, lifting out of the sand and staring directly into the lens of the drone. A low growl bellowed from him as he watched the drone quickly turned away to flee the scene.

"Is something the matter?" Mothra yawned, lifting her head to make sure there was no trouble. Godzilla made sure the drone had disappeared before turning his attention away. "No, rest my queen. All is fine." he assured her, beginning the short trek back to their nest. This was going to be a long couple of weeks.


As the drone made its way back to the closest Monarch base, the scientists had been eagerly awaiting its arrival. Many scrambled to document every small interaction and detail the drone was able to record, while others forwarded the footage to other larger bases. Though they knew it was a dangerous game to lurk around them, the possibility of missing any crucial information was too high. After word quickly got around and the footage was thoroughly analyzed, it was deducted that Mothra was indeed ready to lay. Though it was obvious Godzilla was becoming far more protective of his territory and his mate. With quick thinking and strategic planning, new spy equipment was produced to blend in with the flora and fauna of the land around them. Though some where skeptical, the equipment seemed to work well enough to go undetected for its first week. A successful test that was now their ticket to worry free studying. 

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