The Distraction pt1.

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Slowly but surely, the days crawled by for the king and queen. Week after week Godzilla waited for what felt like an eternity, watching as Mothra finally entered the laying period (Its only been 6 weeks.) Marking the 7th week, Monarch officially recorder this as being three times longer than ever before, comparable to the gestation of a lizard in regards to timing. Within these weeks, Godzilla's behavior had changed once again. Instead of his usual dine and dash below the water, he has been monitored collecting large amounts of fruits and vegetation. Once he has returned to his territory, the vegetation is delivered directly to Mothra. Though advised to keep away, Monarch bases stationed close to his usual scavenging areas have began leaving 'sacrifices' of rejected fruits and vegetables to assist in his difficult mission. They may not have been the same amount that he could collect, but it was definitely a significant aid in cutting his hunting time in half. 

Though the seasons had been changing, the cozy island the couple chose to call home still experienced the same blinding sun most days. On a very particularly hot day, Godzilla nestled closely to his queen, napping comfortably in the rays of the scorching sun. Mothra on the other hand was much more content napping beneath his cooling shadow. Along with the passing of time came the preparation of the nest. A large portion had been turned into an incubator, many many wads of silk and moth fluff swirled into the perfect egg cradle. As both kaiju slept, a small crab sat opposite of them towards the mouth of the nest. Its large beady black eyes focused and unfocused constantly to make sure no spot was missed. Though unassuming on the outside, the crab was truthfully a neatly placed spy camera. Monarch engineers applauded themselves constantly, as it seemed the king and queen paid no attention to it whatsoever. Though in reality, Godzilla knew it was fake the moment it washed onto shore. Each piece of metal the humans send out had a particular smell. So no matter how fancily disguised it was, it could easily be sniffed out. Why did he let it slide you may ask? Mothra found it incredibly amusing. That, along with the small donations of food for his queen, Godzilla allowed them to have their fun for the time being.

Within a split moment, Godzilla's eyes snap open. The ground beneath him rumbles as the titan rises angrily out of his slumber. Mothra shoots up as well, though a bit wobbly as she was still adjusting to the weight of her bottom half.  "Did you feel it too?" Godzilla growled lowly, getting a nod from her. Something had just burst through one of the Hollow Earth portals, and the presence was growing larger by the minute.  Before Mothra could speak, Godzilla had already entered battle mode. He knew what he had to do, so might as well not waste any time  doing it. "I will be back my dear. Stay here." he commanded her, turning away to leave. "Wait!" she called out to him, catching his attention and stopping him in his tracks instantly. She knew there was no persuading to let her tag along, but everything inside her was raging. Begging to continue to fight alongside her King. 

After thinking for a moment, Mothra stood up to meet him halfway, crawling into his arms to form a tender embrace. The rough scaly exterior of Godzilla's skin and dorsal plates began to glow a gentle florescent blue, to which Mothra's elegant wings matched accordingly. As their bioluminescence surrounded them, the energy phased from cool blue, to purple, to the powerful new and improved hot pink. With their pulses now rhythmically matching, Mothra's previous blue markings shifted to match the same pink as Godzilla. 

"Promise to stay safe.. and maybe try and talk it out if possible?" she sighed, getting a final nuzzle from Godzilla. "I'll try, but no guarantee's." he chuckled, gently placing her back into the comforting cradle of her self-made nursery. With the change in atmosphere, Godzilla thought of the possibility of not returning home. Falling to the hands of whatever may have pulled itself from that damn portal. No matter how distracting, it wasn't enough to deter him. As he looked back to her one last time, he knew that no matter what happened. It would all be ok in the end. Sinking into the cool waters of the ocean, he set his mind back to dealing with the task at hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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