New Beginnings

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It didn't take long for the couple to cozy into their new dwelling. Godzilla especially took his time to explore the waters around the island, along with making his presence known to anything that may be inhabiting the land with them. Mothra happily sang to herself as she spun a wad of silk. The island had a large crater in the dead center, one of the main reasons she chose this as the perfect home. The tall rocky terrain that surrounded the crater gave them some extra security, while the depth was a perfect cradle to hold them both. As she finished laying down the last layer, she chirped contently before lifting herself into the air. The nest was finally ready for the both of them, and she couldn't have been happier to share such a spot next to her king. 

As she placed herself at the entrance of their new home, she turned to see Godzilla emerging from the waters to greet her. After a few months the island had become their known territory, along with them forming a sustainable routine together. Godzilla would wake early in the mornings to hunt for them both as Mothra slept during the day from being on night watch. Once he returned with their meal, Godzilla would leave again to make sure there's no trouble happening around the humans. Once the day was over, they will reunite to share dinner together and enjoy each others company. 


One particularly calm autumn evening, Mothra sat at the mouth of their nest looking towards the setting sun.  She enjoyed looking over her territory around this time, as many different creatures became active with the rising of the moon. Though something had been on her mind. Something she knew she couldn't keep to herself any longer, and needed to talk to Godzilla about sooner rather than later. There was no problem with communication with him, but she had no way of knowing how he would truly feel about this sensitive topic. In the midst of her thoughts, Godzilla surprised her with a large blue whale, plopping their meal directly in front of her. Once being thoroughly startled, Mothra quickly regained herself before looking up to him with a chirr of excitement. "Did I scare you?" Godzilla teased, taking his place next to Mothra at the entrance. Mothra playfully nudges him, before shaking off her previous thoughts. "Let us enjoy this gracious meal." she cooed, watching Godzilla rip the tough flesh open to share with her. She wasn't particularly fond of meat, but ate anyway to share the bonding experience with her carnivorous mate. 

After finishing their meal, Godzilla hummed in a low tone that instantly catches her attention. "What's on your mind?" Mothra asked curiously, watching Godzilla lick the blood from his claws. He pauses for a moment before looking back at her. "Since you've been gone, I've been in all sorts of trouble. This is the first time I've been so calm around another kaiju." he admitted, thinking back to all the other encounters over the past few years. This takes Mothra by surprise as she questions who exactly has been causing so much trouble. Godzilla hesitates, knowing the answer wasn't going to please her. "Well lets see.. after Ghidorah there was Kong and a metal me. Then I had to take care of Scilla.. followed by Tiamat. And lastly Kong again with Scar King. Did I mention that Kong and I fought both times before working together?" Godzilla said simply, looking back down to Mothra to note her currently confused features. After a brief session of questions and answers, she finally understood the intensity of each situation and the reason for a fight. Though, she was a bit angry over Tiamat's unnecessary death. Him needing the energy to fight a tribe was understandable, but that didn't happen. And now the world is down two kaiju that had high impact on the environment. 

Godzilla sighed, knowing that at the end of the day Tiamat's death may have been a bit excessive. Lowering his head he gently nudged into Mothra's neck fluff, reassuring her that there are still others that can take their place if necessary. This was enough to calm the queen, as she nuzzled him back to accept his obvious apology. "At least try to talk them down before reverting to murder." she chittered tiredly, getting an amused snort from Godzilla. "I'll try that on the next kaiju that attempts to rip my head off." This gets Mothra to laugh as she nuzzles harder into Godzilla's snout. "That would definitely ruin the new look you have going on."

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