7. Royal lunch

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Coming out of the room with Janya in your hold, you started walking towards the dining area.

Coming out of the room with Janya in your hold, you started walking towards the dining area

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The palace could be seen in a hurry. Even the birds didn't have the leisure to sing around the royal garden. Only the sound of hurried steps and hushed whispers could be heard.

At that moment, you heard someone calling.

"Royal older sister, wait".

Turning around you come face to face with your younger sister.

Turning around you come face to face with your younger sister

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Ruhanika kumari Rajya Singh.

Ruhanika came running towards you and jumped in your arms. You got quite startled by her sudden stunt leading to Janya leaping out from your hold. "Be careful roohi. You shouldn't jump like that".

Janya started hissing and meowing aggressively at Ruhi. "Stupid cat, she is my sister".

Ruhi put her hands at her waist and started teasing the cat.

"Stupid cat. Stupid cat. Stuuuuuupid catttt".

"Stop it Ru, don't tease her". You finally decided to stop the fight between these two before thay started throwing hamds on each other.

Or you can say throwing hands and paws at each other.

"But diiii". "Sshhh. No talking." You took your sister for the royal lunch.

Entering the royal dining area you come face to face with feast laid on the table.

Entering the royal dining area you come face to face with feast laid on the table

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You  could see your father instantly looking up at you. His face lightened up seeing you come back.

"I , Y/n Kumari Chandra Rajya Singh, the first princess of the nation greet the crown prince of the country "

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"I , Y/n Kumari Chandra Rajya Singh, the first princess of the nation greet the crown prince of the country ". You curtsied to your father and continued saying "I am back baba". You smiled softly at your father.

His face bloomed with happiness, coming towards you he hugged you tightly. Touching your head, he said "the home finally got their child back".
You felt tears welled up in your eyes. A warm feeling rose in your heart. You felt home. You felt peace.

"Then who am I baba?" Ruhanika asked looking up at her father.

"You are our angel". Father smiled and swooped up her in his hold. The family felt at peace. The laughter bloomed in the room.

Suddenly the door opened showing my grandfaather.

"I, Y/n Kumari chandra Rajya Singh, greet His majesty"

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"I, Y/n Kumari chandra Rajya Singh, greet His majesty". You curtsied towards your grandfather. He smiled softly at you and open his arms. Running towards him, you hug him tightly. "My child is back".

After a heartfelt greetings to each other. All of you sat down around the table and started lunch.

All the dishes are to your liking which made you promptly ignoring your family for it.

(Always ignore people if the food is to your liking.)

Scrapping your plate clean of the palak paneer, you forwarded your hand toward the biryani.

"What are your thoughts Y/n?"

Looking up you find your family staring at you. Knowing that you heard nothing. You decided to play safe.

"I would check my schedule".

"We are talking about your prospective husband ".

You sighed internally knowing this is a long topic. You are thinking of getting out of this situation when an idea came in your mind

"Grandmom has older cousin got any fiance?" This  inquiry was enough to fully bypass the topic of your marriage. Now your grandmother will be invested in finding the perfect granddaughter in law for her grandson. You just hope your plan works and your cousin doesn't kill you.

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