11. The charming leader

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The pooja has finally finished and all the guests have departed to their home. You and the royal family had an appearance and ability Palace. Waving at the general  public and congratulating everyone on this pooja.

Then the prasad distribution Ceremony was held out. The palace gates were opened for the public on this day to visit the deity and also to receive prasad. It is one of the most stressful days. The security needs to be in full alert mode to not jeopardize the whole evnt.

Any possible assassination can become a great threat for  political struggle . The president of the country had came to take part in the pooja.

(Ramnath kovind, the 14th president of  India )

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(Ramnath kovind, the 14th president of  India )

The president, the Prime Minister and Chief beureacrats were only invited formally. So all the guards not only needed  to protect the royal family but they also needed to protect those political leaders just to avoid any political tension,  internal power struggle and conspiracy theories.

Y/n was seen to be leisurely walking around the corridor of the west wing of the palace. It is quiet rare for you walk around leisurely.

Seeing the eldest princess so calm and without any pressure, the maids and butlers also worked silently to not disturb her peace.

  Walking slowly, you came at the middle of a Rose garden in front of the fountain. The rose garden was personally planted by the king to his wife on their first anniversary.

 The rose garden was personally planted by the king to his wife on their first anniversary

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Appearing strict in public , they both are quite romantic private. Roses looked beautiful to you but the smell sometimes gave you a headache. You never liked those, it was quite strong to your liking. It felt obsessive to you.

Your feelings towards the roses wasn't always this bad to you. May be it was because of the person who presented it to you.

But that's a story for upcoming chapter.

It was quite late for you to be outside. Feeling tired, you decided to retrive to your chamber not before checking on your sister. Opening the door you could see, ruhanika laying on the bed and watching TV.

"Roohi it's quite late ". She turned around hearing your voice. "Oh di, good evening. Are you going early to bed?".

You walked close to the bed and sat down beside Roohi. "Aren't you tired ?" "Di, I will sleep after watching my idols".

Oh how could you forget your sister's recent obsession on some band. In your last visit you have already seen her walk-in closet filled with merchandise. If you were not a royal family, she would have slept with a merchandise blanket on.

"I love you Jimin-aah". Your sister's screaming brought you back from your thought. "Don't scream like that it does not suit your position Roohi" You scolded your sister knowing very well professing a simple admiration to the opposite gender will bring a trouble.

"Di look he is the handsome leader of the group. His name is kim Namjoon "

The man should be around his mid 20's. His jacket looked perfect on him. You could say that it really suited him well. Wearing theat jacket did not give him a rowdy vibe, instead it gave a flamboyant charm to him. You could understand why he was leader. The way he is carrying himself in such a huge platform is really well.

"Isn't he handsome sister" Roohi smiled cheekily knowing full well that his sister has fallen in the BTS trap.

"He is a charming leader".

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