No, I can't teleport, it's just technicalities

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Immediately, Shoto slammed his hand to the ground, sending a massive slope of ice right for me.

I immediately panicked.

(This was not a helpful reaction.)

The ice wall rushed forward. The moment I regained my ability to think, I tapped at my chest and vanished into my own inventory.

A little trick I learned in second grade over a game of hide and seek, and one that I'd been waiting to show off all day. I took a breath, calming myself down, then popped right back out of Hammerspace again, landing on a solid ice slope.

It was steep. Thinking quickly, I slipped the ice skates into my hand, jumping and letting them adhere to my shoes. I used this as a chance to gain speed, materializing a baseball bat in my hand.

Shoto jumped back as I leapt forward. I wasn't gonna land the hit.

Bat abandoned, I managed to pull the ice skates off midair and let them disappear back into the void; I tucked into a roll and hit the ground, grunting from the jarring impact as a sharp pain hit flew through my shoulder. I messed up the landing.

Shoto raised his eyebrows as he sent another ice barrage in my direction. I ran hard to the left, summoning a hunting boomerang.

"When did you learn how to teleport?" He demanded. I kept sprinting. To my credit, I was fast. He wouldn't be able to block me at this rate with his ice.

The boomerang narrowly grazed his shoulder. Shoto stumbled back, giving me the chance to dash forward and grab his left wrist.

He still hadn't-

Just as this thought crossed my mind, a burning pain shot up my arm. My back made hard contact with Shoto's ice glacier, knocking the wind out of me.

Gasping for breath, I looked down at my hand, then back up at Shoto. His left side was flickering with dying flames.

I laughed.

"That's what I'm talking about!"

The moment I pulled a full breath into my lungs, I was back up again.

My hand was burned- nothing too serious, though it definitely hurt. Backing up slowly, I quickly searched my inventory for burn soothing patches before the sound of ice crystals forming told me to MOVE.

Another glacier went flying past me. I felt the blast of air as it flew by.

Shoto knew he couldn't knock me out of bounds with his ice- not with that trick I pulled earlier. He was trying to box me in.

I charged forward, aiming a blow towards his head. He ducked, and a cold hand found it's way around the back of my neck.

When did he-

I spun around, making a wild grab for his wrist and grasping only air as his hand let go.

A blow smacked against my head, sending me stumbling. I grabbed a shield, blocking his next attack.

His arm pulled back quickly, but he left himself open. I jammed the riot shield into his ribs. He grunted and pulled back.

I aimed a punch at his nose. Shoto caught it with his left hand, flames leaping from it.

I screamed- I couldn't help it- and threw myself forward, desperately grabbing for anything- anything that could give me an upper hand- and found nothing.

My back slammed against the ground as he flipped me over. His hand- was it his right or his left, his right or his left?- slammed down on my shoulder, ice spreading from his fingertips.

Right hand, then.

I kicked at his chest, sending him sprawling back.

Another punch, then another: left, up, duck right, duck, duck, punch, duck, dodge, right-

He dodged, then stomped his foot down, sending a blast of flames in my direction. I struggled to dodge. Breath came in sharp gasps, my face and stomach ached, water and ice ran down my shirt, an ocean roared in my ears.

I stumbled back, desperately searching in my inventory for a silver ball. An icy blast hit my stomach before I could.

A frustrated grunt escaped my lips as I finally materialized the silver ball.

Another dodge- this time around a blast of fire- and a sickening crack! as the ball made contact with it's target.

Shoto cried out, and the sound made my stomach twist. I think I broke his nose.

His attacks doubled in power. Ice, then fire, then ice again: ow.

Darkness flashed at the edge of my vision as I blocked another ice attack. But, while my vision blurred and spun, I noticed a fire in Shoto's eyes.

I smiled, stumbling.

"L/n has been knocked out!"

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