Rei Todoroki and Bluey. Yes, these two things are related.

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Shoto was vaguely acquainted with the term 'crush'. He had heard Kaminari mention it enough that he got the basic gist of it. A quick google search confirmed his suspicions. He had a crush on Y/n.

It was what to do about this problem that was the issue.

Shoto took a breath as he pushed open the door. "Hey, mom."

"Shoto!" Rei Todoroki looked up, beaming and opening her arms to embrace Shoto, which he quickly did. "How are you doing? I got your last letter!"

Shoto smiled. "I'm doing good. A lot has happened, actually. I've been meaning to ask you about a few things."

"Oh?" Rei giggled and sat down in her desk chair. Shoto took his seat on the edge of her bed. "Well, by all means! What's been going on?"

"Um." Shoto pursed his lips. How to phrase this? "Well, I told you about my friend Y/n before, right?"

Rei nodded. "Mmm-hmm! How is she doing?"

"Really great. We went out yesterday to Build-a-Bear. She got me a stuffed animal." Shoto sighed. "She's really amazing. And I really like spending time with her."

Rei just nodded, listening closely.

"And, I think... I might want to be in a relationship with her. Romantically. I'm just not sure if it's a good idea. She's my best friend. I don't want to lose her," Shoto finished, squeezing his wrist. He wasn't sure where he had picked up the habit- usually he just shoved down any form of anxiousness and kept a straight face. This was easier, he guessed. Less stifling.

"You won't lose her, sweetheart." Rei smiled, taking his hand in hers and giving it a small squeeze. "If she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, things will be awkward for a little while. But you'll both move on and laugh about it one day. And who knows? She might feel the same way."

"Thanks, Mom." Shoto chuckled. "I really want you to meet her. She's amazing."

"You should bring her around, sometime." Rei's expression lit up. "I would love to meet her. She sounds incredible."

"She... she really is."

"I'm terrified."

"It's going to be fine."

"What if I say something stupid?"

"Everyone says stupid things. Just laugh it off."

Y/n wrung her hands. "Well, um... what is she like so I know what not to say?"

"Now, I'm not going to tell you. Be yourself."

"Anyone to ever exist can confirm that that is the worst advice you can ever be given."

"That is... just- that's not true at all."


Shoto sighed. "Seriously, Y/n. She's gonna love you. Everyone does."

"Also false."

Shoto rolled his eyes, approaching the front desk of the mental hospital. "Hi. We're here to see Todoroki Rei."

"Mmm-hmm. Bringing a guest?"


"Alright." The employee smiled. She looked tired. "If you'll just sign in here, miss."

Y/n signed her name and contact information, and they were on their way.

As they rode the elevator up to the right floor, Shoto asked, "Why are you nervous?"

Y/n tugged on the hem of her sleeve. "I..I dunno. I mean, I'm super excited to meet her! And I know she doesn't really belong here..." she paused. "Still just scared I'll say the wrong thing, I guess. What are we going to talk about?"

Perfectly Imperfect (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now