how to ruin everything 101

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A good several days passed, and the magic among all fourteen of them was growing stronger. Unfortunately, the bitter tensions between Sunburst, Elina, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were also getting stronger. Mostly the former against the latter three. And especially Sunburst vs. Rainbow Dash. They didn't use their magic against each other anymore (especially considering Azura's warming), but that didn't mean they didn't stop giving each other dirty looks and insults under their breaths. Shimmer and Faban were firmly on Sunburst's side, Linden and Glee were team Rainbow Dash, and Lumina was Switzerland the entire time.

"Sunburst really does hate me," she commented as she, Elina, Linden, and Fluttershy wandered the Rustic Forest. "But it's fine. She hates me back. So the feeling's mutual."

"At least you're not bothered by the other apprentices," Fluttershy said. "Sometimes I worry that maybe I wasn't supposed to be here."

"Are you kidding? You're one of the most talented apprentices here," Linden said.

Both of them began blushing as Elina and Rainbow Dash burst into soft giggles.

But it was all interrupted by croaking. Looking down, the four apprentices saw a limping toad in a purple cape, inching towards them, a forlorn expression on its face.

"Oh, poor thing," Elina lamented. "It's limping."

"Is it okay?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Fluttershy knelt down and listened to the croaking. "She's from the Bogs of the Hinterlands, cursed by an exiled fairy witch."

The three girls figured it out quickly. "Laverna."

"But why would she curse a harmless toad?" Fluttershy stood up. "That doesn't sound like her."

"But it's not like we know any other exiled fairy witches," Rainbow Dash shrugged.

The toad croaked again.

"She says the curse can only be broken by a fairy undoing spell," Linden translated. "We haven't learned undoing spells, have we?"

Rainbow Dash would've made a comment about the fact that Fluttershy and Linden were now translating animal languages together without realizing it, but her mind was stuck on a memory from her first luminescence lesson.

Maybe her brain wasn't as skilled as forgetting important information than she thought.

"I think I might have," she offered.

The toad seemed to perk up at the mention of someone knowing a spell.

Rainbow Dash mustered up every ounce of concentration, trying to remember the exact words Azura had used. "Annullsera... revulsera... expungerillimmersera... nulliferous, null."

Instantly, light enveloped the toad and it began stretching upwards.

"Wow, I didn't realize that would work," she commented.

Then the light turned a sickeningly familiar green.

The four could only watch in horror as Laverna smirked down at them.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She was now officially an idiot, and Laverna had clearly played that weakness to her advantage.

"Did you miss me?" Laverna smiled wider.

"I don't understand," Linden turned to Rainbow Dash in confusion. "You turned the toad into Laverna?"

"I am Laverna, you naive little whiffet," Laverna snapped before rearing back onto Rainbow Dash. "As for you, darling, thank you. You just signed the death warrant for Fairytopia as you know it. How does that feel?"

The Barbie Adventure IX: Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now