Moving in with jake

451 6 16

   TW: suicide, self harm, eating disorders, cursing, and explicit content.

  This whole store has this trigger warning each chapter may talk about any of those topics at any time. I'll try and put a trigger warning on the chapters or parts that have it but be warned.


   I open my eyes and look around, I see that I am in the hospital. I try and re gather what I last remember before blacking out and ending up here. I look down at my wrists, they are wrapped up in bandages. Then it all clicks of what had happened.

   I slowly try and sit up and I hear a voice from the corner of the room.

"Hey viv" a man says

I look over and see my brother

"Jake?" I ask more confused why he's here

"Are you doing okay?" He asks as he's standing up coming closer to the bed I'm laying in

"Never been better" I say rolling my eyes with a half ass smile

"Mom called and I came right when I heard, you know I'm always here for you'' he says placing his hand on my shoulder showing sympathy

"Whatever Jake, you moved away from us. I don't have anyone to talk to''

"I know things are rough, but we have two options right now'' he says in a very serious tone.

Which I don't blame him with the circumstance I'm in right now.

"Two options?' I ask

" You are either going to Kansas state mental hospital for 8 months, or you come to live with me"

I sat in silence for a minute.

Ive been to Kansas state before and I hate it, I hate it with everything in my being. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get a fresh start, I mean hell its LA.

" Fine" I say in a sassy tone

"Ill come with you"

"Good, well we are leaving tomorrow. Let me talk to your doctor to get you out today so that we can start packing" he says walking out the door.

Time skip (the next day)

   I get my suitcase and my moms suitcases. She has two extra so I figured I would  borrow them so that I have more room for everything.

   Im just packing what I can I don't plan on staying for every and if it does happen then I can always come back and get my stuff.

   I start shoving in all my clothes into the suitcases, surprisingly I was able to get them all in just one and a half suitcases so I fill the rest of the one with my bathroom ecensssials. 

   The last suitcase I get some of my room decor in and again very shockingly I was able to get all of it, the only thing I didn't pack was my bed.

As I'm zipping up the last suitcase Tara (jakes girlfriend) came in.

"Are you ready pretty?" She asks sitting down on my now empty bed.

"Yup, im surprised I got everything just in three suitcases"

" Easier to get it to the house and to unpack, are you doing okay?" She asks ushering me to sit next to her

" I will be, I don't want you guys to be hovering me like I'm going to do something to myself. I promise ill be okay" I say trying to reassure her.

" Im always here Vivian, no matter the time of day. I'm living with Jake now too so I'm only going to be a room away" she says getting up helping me bring the suitcases to the car.

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