Meeting johnnie

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I wake up to hearing pans clinking downstairs, I turn over and look at my phone.


It says it's 4:30pm. How did I sleep so long.

I make my way down stairs and I see Jake and Tara

"Well good morning sleepy head" Tara says coming to give me a hug

"Good morning guys" I say sitting down at the barstool at the kitchen counter.

I sit there watching Jake make some pancakes

"Your making pancakes at 4?" I ask with a chuckle

"Well you and Johnnie have been sleeping all day might as well make you guys breakfast" he says placing a plate down in front of me

"Oh... well I'm not really hungry" I say picking up my fork poking at the pancakes

"That's fine, I just made the offer for you" he says grabbing the plate back from me

I sit twiddling my thumbs a bit.

"So what are the plans for the day?" I ask

"Want to throw a party?" Tara asks

I look at her with a smirk

"That would be fun" I say

"Well that means we need to go to the store and get drinks and some snacks" Jake says

"You coming with us?" Tara asked

"You know probably not. I'll stay here and get ready"

"Are you sure?" They ask in unison

"I'm fine really, I just don't want to go anywhere right now" I say

"Alright well Johnnie is here, I don't know when he will wake up but we will be back!"

Jake and Tara leave and I stay in the living room scrolling through my social media.

I hear the door open from upstairs and it kind of startles me for a second then I remember Johnnie is here.

"Jake!?" Johnnie yells

"They left" I yell back

"Oh, hey I'm Johnnie" he says walking into the living room.

He peers around the corner with no shirt on. I stare at the tattoos spread across his body.

I look back up to his face

"Hi I'm Vivian Jake's sister" I say feeling myself start blushing.

"I know who you are silly" he says smiling at me.

I then realize I'm just staring at him and I think I'm making it awkward.

Johnnie places his hand on the back of his neck

"Do you know where they went?" He asks

"Oh yeah they went to the store, they are throwing a party tonight"

"Cool, so are you staying here for a wile?" He asks coming over and sitting next to me.

I'm internally screaming right now

"Yeah for a bit, I'm not to sure what I'm doing yet" I say.

I watch him keep looking me up and down.

I look away and get back on my phone.

"You seem a bit nervous" he says looking at me biting his lip

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