Chapter One

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Author's note: It's been well over 10 years, but this is my attempt at delving back into the world of fanfiction. I spent a large part of my summer seeing GNR on tour and it re-kindled my love for them. I'm a full-time student and I work full time, so this is my stress-relieving outlet. I've never been someone who could just write one-shots and walk away from them, this will be a long fic with a slow burn. So, if that's your thing I hope you enjoy it :)

This first chapter will be a combination of a "flash forward" from after the tour and a flashback. Then the second chapter will start at the beginning. There will be some more flash backs and potentially more flash forwards throughout. I will always put date and location on everything though, so you will know when I'm switching timelines or POVs.

Triggers for this first chapter and subsequent ones include references to child abuse. If any other triggers are added as the story goes on, I will make sure I mention it.-


February 2018

Mercy Medical Center Mt. Shasta / Mt. Shasta, California

CJ sat with her head leaned back against the wall, her eyes shut as she tried to ignore the throbbing pain radiating from her right wrist and right hip. In addition to this, she was beginning to overheat in her snow suit and her patience was thinning. She opened her eyes, unzipped her suit, gently shimmied her damaged arm out, and pulled the rest of the upper portion down to her hips to give herself some relief from the heat. She scanned the emergency room and saw a handful of others waiting. They had all arrived after her. She couldn't imagine it'd be much longer.

Today was supposed to be an effort in self-care and now it had been ruined. It was her first day out of the house (other than for groceries) since she returned home and she had fucked it all up. Her aunt Mindy had been pushing her to get out of the house and out of the depressed haze she had been sitting in for the past 2.5 months. Now she had only gone and made it worse. A nurse who looked to be not much older than herself came out of a room and looked around before calling her name.

"Carreen Joy Thompson."

She gently stood up out of her seat and shuffled over, trying not to irritate her hip. She smiled at the nurse, who looked her up and down before leading her into a room and shutting the door. Adrian carefully sat down as the nurse stood at a computer.

"It says here you had a little snowboarding accident."

"Yes, I hit something and landed on my side and on my wrist." She rolled back the sleeve of her shirt to show the nurse her severely swollen, purple, and red wrist. CJ cringed at its appearance. It looked much worse than when she had last looked at it. Then again, she shouldn't be that surprised. She had to have been going at least 30 miles per hour and have flown ten feet before landing on her side, crushing her wrist, and injuring her hip. She was lucky it was not worse. She had been in the "zone" as she described it to Mindy; a feeling of peace as she glided across the snow at a high speed with a blank mind. She had not seen anything sticking out of the ground until it was too late.

The nurse asked her some more basic questions before a doctor came in and examined her wrist and bruised hip and ordered X-rays. As she was waiting to be taken back, she was surprised to see the nurse re-enter the room and set a cup down in front of her.

"I know you said you are not pregnant, but we have to have you complete a pregnancy test since we will be getting images of your pelvis." CJ felt a twinge of annoyance but grabbed the cup and stood up to use the bathroom. She had been a shut-in for the past 2.5 months, she hadn't had any physical contact with anyone, not since November. Not since him.

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