Chapter Six

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Trigger Warnings: Heavy child abuse in this one and references to drugs/drug use 


February 2018

Mindy's House / Redding, California

The kitchen was quiet, as Mindy and Michelle sat at the dinner table. Mindy picked at the food on her plate, only having taken a few bites. It had been three days since CJ's snowboarding accident. She had been quieter than ever and had not left her room.

It had been like walking on eggshells with CJ since she had returned home at the beginning of December. Her niece appeared to have fallen into a depression. December and January had been rough. Mindy had to force CJ out of bed just to shower, never mind eat. She often stood by CJ's bedroom door and listened to her sob on the other side. When she did see her niece out of her room, her face was often puffy and red from crying. Asking CJ outright about what was wrong did not work. She would look at her aunt with a thousand-yard stare and tell her "nothing."

Mindy had been delicate with CJ and then tried to be more forceful to pull answers out of her. Neither of which had been successful. Mindy had backed off and let Michelle try to speak to her. In the past, CJ had been more willing to open up to Michelle about things. But that had also been unsuccessful. Mindy was sure something had happened while CJ had been out on tour, as there was no other explanation. One moment, CJ appeared to have been the happiest she had ever been when they spoke on the phone right before she returned home, and then the next she was a mess. She had got off the plane in Sacramento completely despondent. She had called Axl, who had no idea what the problem could be. As far as he had been aware, nothing had occurred that would cause such a behavioral change. After attempting to reach Duff unsuccessfully several times, she had reached out to Slash. He had been vague with his answers, seeming somewhat unsure, but also a little evasive. However, that was not entirely unlike him.

Mindy's sleep had been shit. She had sat up awake for hours, anxious and worried about her niece's health. Michelle had tried to reassure her that when CJ was ready, she'd talk. As January moved into February, things seemed to improve little by little. CJ seemed to cry less and came out of her room and ate more often. She had even been convinced by Mindy to get back out onto the slopes. But after the accident, things seemed to be back at square one. CJ had not left her room since, and Mindy had left her plates of food that went uneaten.

Mindy pushed her own plate away and scooted her chair out.

"I'm going to try to talk to her again," she said, with a frustrated sigh. Michelle took her hand gently before she could stand up.

"Don't, just let her be a little bit longer. She might just be a little tired and sick from her medicine."

"She hasn't spoken more than two words in the past 72 hours. I thought things were getting better. It's time to figure out what's wrong with her. I'm worried, she needs to talk to someone."

"Pushing her does not work." Mindy rubbed her face in frustration, a strong stress headache coming on.

"Then what WILL work?! I don't know what else to do!" Michelle stood up from the table and took both of Mindy's hands, looking up at her with concern.

"It'll be ok, I promise. You just have to be a little patient. Just wait a little bit longer. I'll try to talk to her, ok? Just let me try, I'll get through to her." Mindy felt some of the frustration leave her body, looking into Michelle's bright blue eyes. She was always her voice of reason. Mindy felt a flood of emotions and she hung her head, letting out a quiet sob.

"I just worry about her so much." Michelle pulled her into a hug and Mindy tightly embraced her back, burying her face into Michelle's neck, quietly crying. She knew that if anyone could get through to CJ, it would be Michelle. CJ tended to call Mindy more on an everyday basis. However, in times of serious distress, she always seemed to gravitate towards Michelle. Since Mindy had first introduced CJ to Michelle, there had been a special connection.

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