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It was a beautiful, peaceful morning. Well, not really peacful. By the docks of Duckburg, inside a small houseboat, Louie, the youngest siblings, tackles his Uncle Donald in the kitchen, where Huey, the eldest is making breakfast.

Donald: Get off me!

Louie: Just hold still, Uncle Donald!

Huey: Good morning, Uncle Donald!

Louie pulls off his Uncle's blue sailor uniform, as the latter ties a towel around his waist to conceal himself.

Louie: You can't wear this to your job interview.

The green-hooded duck throws the suit into the dishwasher, before turning it on, much to Donald's horror.

Donald: *Quack!* My uniform!

Donald tries his best to pull it out from the sleeve that was sticking out. Meanwhile, Louie grabs a suit and tie, which is far more appropriate for a job interview.

Louie: You gotta dress for the job you want. Not the job you have...which is no job.

Donald gives his nephew a deadpanned stare, before noticing the sleeve caught on fire from touching the stove. After immediately putting it out, he turns his attention to the eldest.

Donald: Huey, don't touch the stove! You'll get hurt!

Huey: But it's a big day. And a big day calls for a big breakfast.

Huey smiles, showing a plate that had fried egg over a smelly fish. Underneath it was sausage that spelled out, "We believe in you Uncle Donald."

Donald: Blah!

Huey and Louie's father, Thomas walks into the kitchen, wearing a suit and tie, ready to head to his job at McDuck Enterprises.

Thomas: Alright, Donald. I'll drive you.

Huey: Good morning, Dad! Breakfast?

Huey presents the pan to his father, who in return, cringes at what he has to look at.

Thomas: (nervously chuckles) I-I think I'll be fine, son.

Huey: I'll get the iron.

Huey throws away the plate, before heading to the iron. However, when he got it out, the stand landed on Uncle Donald, who quacks in rage. While Huey and Louie moved back, Thomas simply watched in amusement.

Donald: Stop helping me!

Thomas: Alright, boys. Put on your life-vests. Knowing the babysitter we picked, the houseboat's definitely go down when she gets here.

Huey and Louie: (deadpan) Yes, dad.

The brothers grab their life-vests, before pulling on the strings to puff them up.

Thomas: Also, has anyone seen my pen?

Louie: You mean your "Special Pen"? Here. You dropped it earlier.

Louie hands his father a pen which is attached to a string. As Thomas grabs the pen, he ties it around his neck, wearing it as a necklace.

Huey: I still fail to understand what makes that pen special.

Thomas: Trust me, this pen is worth more than you'll ever know.

Louie: So if you had to choose the pen and Uncle Donald's life, you'd choose the pen?

Thomas: Of course not!

Donald smiles at Thomas, but then make a face of confusion as Thomas begins to snicker. Suddenly, he bursts out laughing, to which makes Donald angry.

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