Daytrip of Doom

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Scrooge wakes up from his bed, as he stretches, before putting on some slippers and a robe. He then opens the curtain to reveal the view of his Money Bin.

Scrooge: Ah! Good morning, you gleaming bin of bounty.

A loud sound is heard, as Scrooge turns to the direction of Beakley, who appears to have toy darts attached all over her face, looking annoyed, as she placed tea on Scrooge's side table.

Scrooge: Beakley?!

Beakley: I feel I should prepare you...for what's...out there.

Scrooge: Oh, how bad can they be? Lid left off the peanut butter? Roller skate left on the stairway?

As Scrooge opens the door, he sees darts approaching him. With no time to act, he grabs the plate, using it as a shield, as Beakley uses the small plate in her hand to catch everything. Suddenly, they see Thomas standing beside them in his robe, sipping his cup, which has a text on it saying, "Oh, dear!"

Thomas: More like an elaborate series of cut-throat war games, but nice guess, McDuck.

Dewey is then seen chasing Huey, as they each had dart-guns in their hands. Dewey kept shooting, while Huey ran away.

Dewey: Ha! Take that!

Scrooge: Dewey! ...Don't yell at yer target be for ya' fire. You'll lose the element of surprise.

As Scrooge walks away, Louie walks up, shooting, while laughing maniacally. Dewey runs for it, as a dart hits a vase, causing it to fall. Luckily, Beakley was able to catch the vase before it hit the ground.

Thomas: Good hands, Beakley.

Thomas then grabs a crumpet from the plate she was holding, while she was on the floor. Beakley stared deadpan at Thomas, as he nonchalantly walks away.

Beakley: When I suggested you spend more time with your family, I did not mean move them in!

As Louie ran, Micheal jumps out from behind a pot he was hiding in.

Micheal: Surprise attack!

He then began to shoot, laughing maniacally, as Louie runs for his life. In a hallway, where they ended up, Webby hung from the ceiling lamp, watching them from above.

Webby: Targets acquired.

Webby grapples to the other lamp, as she then shoots at the boys, grabbing their attention. The two put their battle on hold, as they ran for their lives, only for Louie to have set a trap, as a pillow is thrown in his face. This gives Micheal the chance to shoot Louie, as he cheers in victory, while Louie stares deadpanned, before turning to Webby.

Louie: You set traps?! It's just a game!

Webby: (serious) If you're not a player, you're a pawn.

Huey and Dewey walk up to them.

Dewey: Whoa. Maybe take it down a notch, Webby.

Webby: Tell that you my men you captured in Peking!

Dewey: What?

Micheal: (deadpanned) It's part of her character's backstory.

Webby: Grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge.

Micheal: Yeah, she tends to go a bit...overboard whenever we play games like this. You're lucky if you're fast enough to survive the spike-pits.

Huey: (concerned) The what?

Webby: What are your backstories?

Dewey: (unsure) My guy has...a dart gun?

Webby: Not anymore.

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