The Great Dime Chase

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It was just another day. Louie was sitting down, watching the TV, while sitting on the couch in a lazy fashion, with a board expression on his face. On the TV he was watching Ottoman Empire. Thomas and Scrooge watched him from afar.

Scrooge: What is he doing?

Thomas: (deadpan) Being Louie.

Scrooge: He's just sitting there with nothing to do with his life. And you're allowing this?

Thomas: Trust me, there's no point in trying. The only thing that beats his laziness is his greed. Watch this.

Thomas approaches Louie.

Thomas: Hey, son.

Louie: Ugh! This show is so dumb.

Thomas: Any plans for today?

Louie: I was thinking I'd move to the big TV downstairs.

Louie takes a sip of pep, before putting it down.

Louie: Hey, do we have anymore pep?

Scrooge is baffled, as he approaches his nephew.

Scrooge: You've got six full cans right there!

Louie: I only like the first sip. A peak carbonation.

Thomas: Yeah, I'm with him on that one.

Louie: (shrugs) Nevermind, I'll call Beakley. Oh, man! Phone's dead. I guess I gotta buy a new one.

Thomas: With what money? I'm not paying for another phone, Llewelyn. Just recharge it.

Louie: Please, Father. I don't need your money. We're rich!

Scrooge: No! I'm rich! Honestly, how did you get by with this child?

Thomas thinks and then has an idea, before whispering into Scrooge's ear. Scrooge smiles at the idea before turning to Louie.

Scrooge: Lad, what would you say to coming with us to the office to learn the value of a hard days work?

Louie: I'd say much rather recharge my phone than buy a new one.

Thomas: Too bad. You're coming with us.

Thomas holds him up by the hood, as Louie tries to fight back but fails. Unbeknownst to the three, Dewey was sneaking up to Webby and Micheal's room.


Once Dewey enters the room, he starts looking through Webby's personal journal. However, he is surprised when he hears a voice behind him.

Micheal: What are you doing?

Dewey jumps, as he lets go of the journal, as Micheal catches it.

Dewey: I'm not breaking in! You're breaking in!

Micheal: (sarcastic) Oh, yeah. I'm breaking into my own room. And your hands are covered in glitter, by the way. Why were looking through Webby's journal? You know that's an extreme invasion of privacy.

Dewey: I'm sorry. I was just looking for information about my family.

Micheal: You should've asked. Hey, Webby!

Webby: Yes?

Webby then pops out of nowhere, hanging upside-down from a rope, catching Dewey off guard.

Micheal: Dewey's looking for info on-

Webby: On it!

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