Escape To/From Atlantis

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After watching an advertisement of Glomgold Industries, Glomgold claps at the television, as he cheers his name out loud in front of his new "employees".

Glomgold: Glomgold! Glomgold! Glom-

Glomgold turns to see his staff, who appear to be one female assassin, and two male ruffians, as they are all unimpressed.

Glomgold: ...Fine! Enough glad handing. You're here because you're the best of the cheapest. With your help, and my carefully crafter master-plan, we'll find the fabled Lost Jewel of Atlantis, and finally make me...the Richest Duck in the World!

Glomgold laughs maniacally, with the sound of lightning in the background. He then turns and grabs a couple of cards.

Glomgold: But first, here are your company I.D.s. Also good for 40% life-vest rental in case of emergency. Gabby McStabberson. Hack and Slash Smash'ncoff. Donald Duck...Duck...Duck!

Glomgold turns to the duck, who gives him a nervous chuckle, before returning to the phone.

Donald: Now remember, bed time is at nine, and no sugar after seven. Oh, and-


Meanwhile, with Scrooge, Thomas, Launchpad and the kids, they were on a submarine, about to dive into the ocean. Scrooge stood with his head out, as the hatch was open, while he was talking to Donald on the phone.

Scrooge: I run a multi-trillion dollar business. I can handle a few juveniles for the weekend. You just focus on this new job of yours. Besides, we got a pretty low-key day planned.

As Scrooge ends the call, Dewey pops up in surprise, as he cheers.

Dewey: Hoist the man-sale! Other boat words to Atlantis!

Launchpad: Aye aye, Captain!

The sub dives below, as Scrooge and Dewey enter inside quickly, with the hatch still open.

Scrooge: Wait! No!

Thomas: Launchpad, the hatch!


A wet Scrooge follows behind and overly cheerful Dewey, as he hands the phone to Louie, who was standing beside Micheal and Webby, tirelessly pumping the water out.

Scrooge: Talk to your Uncle!

Louie: Oh, hey, Uncle Donald! Nope. Yeah, pretty boring. We napped, rubbed ointment on our joints, old people stuff.

Webby: N-n-no, wait! What about the dragon?! And the plane crash?! And-?!

Micheal hand-gags his sister's mouth before she could say anything else.

Louie: Oops! 3 pm! Time for dinner. Bye!

As Louie ends the call, Micheal let's go of Webby, leaving her very confused.

Webby: What was that for?

Louie: Is she not familiar with the term "lying"?

Micheal: Nah. She's a bit too honest. Lying isn't really her strong suit. I can prove it through the numerous times Granny caught me sneaking back into the mansion.

Webby sheepishly chuckles, as her brother gave her a deadpanned stare.

Louie: Well, you didn't tell your grandma we were going to a dangerous, underwater city, did you?

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