Day 7

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It's the last day. My last day.

Jooyeon laid awake, staring at the ceiling of the tent while unable to fall asleep. He turned to look at his watch for what seemed like the 3141592653589th time and saw it read 12:06am.

It was officially Day 7, which meant it was Jooyeon's last day. No one knew what the symptoms of Day 7 are, if there is any to begin with. This simple but sad thought kept bothering his mind until he fell deep asleep due to exhaustion.

[timeskip to after lunch]

It was a rough tension at breakfast and during lunch too. Everyone's was too nervous about Jooyeon that they couldn't look him in the eye except for his first and last boyfriend, Jiseok.

After lunch however, things started getting weird. Yes, there were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse because of some dumb scientists and Jooyeon was also infected, but it was weirder.

Anytime one of his hyungs tried talking to him about anything, it'd end in Jooyeon snapping at them. He didn't seem to have memory of this so it was like he was almost brainwashed. It soon came to Gunil's mind after Jooyeon basically attacked them, that Day 7 was the virus fully showing itself. He explained his theory to Hyeongjun, Seungmin, Jungsu and Jiseok then to Jooyeon once the others knew.

"It makes so much more sense now, hyung. That might be why I attacked you guys and kept snapping at all of you" Jooyeon said when he realized.

"It's fine, Jooyeon. I understand if it was hard to control" Jiseok smiled.

"Hyung" Jooyeon started, "I know you're my boyfriend and all but don't be weird" he jokingly said, lightly shoving Jiseok.

"Wow, that hurts" he dramatically wiped away a tear, "Love you too."

This weird back and forth thing that was happening between Jooyeon and Jiseok was soon stopped after Gunil, Jungsu, Seungmin and Hyeongjun stated playfully that it made them nauseous.

"What time is it?" Seungmin suddenly asked no one in particular.

"It's time for you to get a fucking watch" Hyeongjun laughed.

A/N - i do this to my friends all the time when one of them asks what time it is 

"It's 7:20" Jiseok replied, "So it's basically dinner time."

"Hyeongjun, it looks like its your day to make dinner" Gunil spoke up.

"Karma" (we love enhypen) Seungmin muttered under his breath.

Hyeongjun stuck his tongue out at Seungmin as he heard what Seungmin said and left the group soon after to cook for the six of them.

[when the food is ready]

"Dinner's ready!" Hyeongjun yelled for the others to hear as it was his time to cook dinner.

A few minutes later, the others all shuffled in and sat down at their normal table. Hyeongjun grabbed the food and placed it in front of them with Seungmin's help.

"There was still some left so I decided to make bulgogi and rice" Hyeongjun said as Odehan sat down.

"I'm surprised that we had the ingredients left" Jiseok added as he began to eat.

"Same. It's still good though" Gunil smiled.

"Jooyeon, what do you think?" Jiseok turned to the spot beside him to see it vacant.

This has been happening since Jooyeon got the fever after he was infected so none of them were that surprised. Sure, he'd probably be killing them tomorrow but it was Gunil's orders as the leader that the boy still had to eat.

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