The Confession...

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Her tears and those words were enough to make me realize that she had been in love with me since the very beginning she started to know me. Watching Nikita cry made me realize my mistake, and my heart slowly started feeling sympathetic towards her. Even staying apart from her this long after so many close interactions made me realize that I'm in love with her as well.

Why Suraj? Do you hate me? Do you think that I will use you? Why don't you understand that the person I love is just you? (Nikita sobbing)

Watching her sob and say those words made my heart heavier and heavier slowly. Every word from her felt like 1 kg of weight on my heart. I never saw a girl crying in my life. I remember the time when my mother used to hide tears just to not let me know about her condition.

Every drop of rain fell from her eyes and landed on the ground, along with the drops of rain as well. I realized that it had started raining. I told her to take shelter, but she wasn't listening to me. I decided to listen to her complaints in the rain.

Why? Why? Reply to me. Why are you silent? (Nikita)

I was watching her silently and kept listening. I knew that it was my fault; I couldn't help myself. It was the very first time something like that was in front of me.

Everything I did so far was just for you. I changed my hairstyle and dress. Even now, I am wearing this dress just for you. I wanted to celebrate my moments with you, not with anyone else, Suraj. (Nikita)

Each time she said something, she started feeling even heavier. I don't know what I should do. My inner voice was stopping me from reacting to her.

Hey, dude, what are you so sad about? (Inner voice)

It's Nikita; she is crying, and I couldn't help her. (Suraj)

Why are you worrying about a girl? You already know that she could betray you, just like your friend did to you and your mother did to your father. (Inner voice)

Do you think like that? My father loved her all along, even though they never had great moments, but both of them had important roles for me. (Suraj)

I don't think so. Your mother left you behind the shadows of your father, and even your friend left you dying in that pit. (Inner voice)

Shut up!!! My mother wasn't like that; she saved me from everything. Whatever she did was for me. (Suraj)

Didn't she leave you by saying that you and your father are a disgrace? I am saving you from the danger. (Inner voice)

I know that, but when I grew up, I found the reason. I hated her when she left me and my dad for a reason, but that doesn't mean Nikita will never do that. She loves me, and I love her as well. (Suraj)

Grow up, my child. This isn't you. You don't love anyone. You just want her in your bed and want to extinguish your fire of lust. Just look at her body. This is your chance to become a real man. (Inner voice)

Shut up; I am not like that. Maybe you could think of doing this to someone, but I won't. (Suraj)

Just listen to me, my boy. I am trying to save you, not harm you. (Inner voice)

You have already saved me enough until now. You are just a replica of what I needed at that time. Now, I have realized that you are destroying me from the inside. I won't listen to you now; just go away and let me handle this on my own. (Suraj)

Okay, I am going away from you, but you will regret it later. (Inner Voice)

I won't. I don't need you. (Suraj)

At the time, Nikita was sobbing and crying. I was trying to overcome my inner voice that had been stopping me from trusting people. Now that I've realized it was all just my past and everyone's different, I will start trusting again.

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