Part 3 Road Trip

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A few minutes later... Inside Toms house

 Tom looked at them with a sense of disbelief and wonder, his mind struggling to comprehend the sight before him. He prodded Y/N's body with a spatula, trying to gauge their reaction.

Y/N still unconscious growls as the spatula touches them and pulls out their claws swatting it away, even in their unconscious state, their feral instincts remained strong. Tom stepped back, his eyes wide with shock at the sudden display of aggression. Y/N's body lay limply in the cage, their fur matted from the earlier fall. Despite their fierce display, they were still vulnerable and defenseless in their unconscious state. Tom's expression softened slightly as he observed Y/N's peaceful expression.

Tom picks up one of Sonic's quills that he found at the speed trap.

Sonic's movements were slow and unsteady, his mind still foggy from the effects of the tranquilizer. He stumbled out of the cage, his balance shaky as he tried to regain his bearings.

Tom picks up their phone attempting to take a picture of Y/N but hears noise behind him.

Startled, Tom turned around, his phone still in hand. He saw Sonic standing there, his quills drooping slightly as he rubbed his head.

Sonic: "Donut lord?"

Tom: It can talk! You're not here to abduct me, are you? 

Sonic: You abducted me!

Tom's expression softened as he realized the truth behind Sonic's words. He let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly. 

 Tom: "Yeah, fair enough. What are you 2? Why are you 2 hiding out in my garage?

Sonic: We needed someplace safe, and you were the only person I could think of Donut Lord.

Tom: Why do you keep calling me donut lord?

Sonic: It's because you talk to donuts, and you eat them if they get out of line.

Tom: Fair. 

Sonic: Wait, wait, wait where are all the mushrooms!? He looks around. Where's Y/N!

Tom: You mean your friend over their yeah wouldn't touch em their pretty on guard even while unconscious.

Sonic: "What? Y/N's here? Where are they?"

Tom points to the cage where Y/N is still unconscious. His concern evident on his face. He could see that they were still in a deep sleep, their body seemingly unaware of the danger that surrounded them.

Sonic: "Are they okay? What did you do to them?"

Tom: "Just tranquilized them. They'll be fine."

Sonic realizes that they lost their rings.

Sonic: Oh no I lost my rings!

Tom: What like wedding rings? Are you two a thing?

Sonic shook his head, his expression one of frustration and urgency. 

 Sonic: "No, no. My rings. They're what transport us to different worlds. Without them, we're stuck here." 

 Tom's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing to process Sonic's words. 

 Tom: "Different worlds? Transport? What are you talking about?"

Suddenly theirs low rumbling.

Tom: What's happening? Is that your mother ship! I'm not in the mood to get probed.

Sonic: You think your worried I'm not even wearing any pants. 

Tom looks out the window to see a black truck outside.

A tale of a Hedgehog and a  Feral FoxWhere stories live. Discover now