Part 5 Road Rage

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One week had passed since Y/N's arrival on Earth and their meeting with Sonic. They had settled into their new routine, finding solace in the quiet and peaceful moments they could steal away from the hustle and bustle of the unfamiliar world. Their currently on the run from Robotnik who wants to experiment on them, they've teamed up with a human called Tom from Green Hills Montana and are currently trying to get to San Franscico to get Sonics rings back from the top of a tall pointy tower.

Y/N was a feral Mobian fox, their eyes a striking shade of (color) that sparkled with a mix of curiosity and caution. Their fur, a luxurious (color), enveloped their body in a soft, velvety embrace, while their hair, (color), cascaded down the back of their head.

Y/N has been completely mute since birth making them unable to produce vocal speech. Y/N has no idea what love is so when Sonic flirts with them or he gets flustered it leaves them confused. Their tail is very big and floofy and always keeps a jar of peanut butter in their tail when stressed. Y/N's only method of communication is by sign language.

they wear a blue hoodie, its warmth and comfort providing a sense of security. A pair of black shorts allowed for ease of movement, paired with fuzzy winter boots that reached up to their ankles, shielding their paws from the cold ground. Around their neck, they wore a cyan mask, a reminder of their time in the wild.

Despite their vibrant appearance, Y/N was quiet and reserved, particularly around people they didn't know. Their experiences in the wild had made them wary of interactions, resulting in a shyness that often kept them at a distance. 

It was during one of these encounters that Sonic, the Mobian hedgehog, first attempted to flirt with them. Y/N does not like it when Sonic touches them or gets close to them without their permission often growling on all 4's and baring their sharp teeth in response.

Sonic, with his predominantly blue fur and small, triangular ears perched atop his head, was a whirlwind of energy and speed. His seven quills gracefully extended from the back of his head, three of them adorning his back, while a tail swayed playfully behind him. His piercing green eyes were a stark contrast against his vibrant fur, and a black nose and peach-colored fur on his stomach and muzzle completed his distinctive look. When he tapped into his powers, his eyes were known to glow a brilliant shade of blue.

Sonic is adventurous, lively, fun-loving, and confident. A thrill-seeker who has a passion for enjoying life, he loves running fast and free, which much of his early childhood was spent doing. However, he is also quite reckless and quick to act before thinking. This tends to make him disobey authority at times, which has gotten himself and those around him into trouble more than once.

It was said that Sonic had been hidden on Earth for ten years, his presence kept a secret from the world.

And it was during one of his patrols that Sonic crossed paths with Y/N. The feral fox had come dangerously close to being struck by a passing car when Sonic swooped in, his lightning-fast reflexes saving them from harm. Y/N owed their life to Sonic, a debt they could never fully repay.

Sonic after discovering someone like them makes Y/N their self-proclaimed by him best friend even though they had only just met.

But Y/N's time in the wild had left lasting scars, both visible and invisible. They had grown accustomed to solitude, finding solace in their own company. Physical contact was something they found uncomfortable, a reminder of their painful past. 

Hence, when Sonic attempted to flirt, the fox would become visibly confused, their expressive eyes a mix of bewilderment and uncertainty.

1 hour later...

A tale of a Hedgehog and a  Feral FoxWhere stories live. Discover now