Dangerous Bonds

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Left Eye pov
Atlanta, Georgia
January 18th 1988

I had just pulled up to The Basement with 2 more kilos for Lil Jon.

"Damn it's been 2 days" He pulled out a bag of cash.

"The shit from Bolivia top tier shit, that's why it's harder to get" I explained.

"Aight, what's the price tag?" He rubbed his hands together.

"30" He grabbed a couple more stacks of cash then pushed them to the other side of the table.

"You call me whenever you need some more" I pointed at him while putting the cash in the bag, $60,000 then I left.

I put the bag in the trunk then grabbed the other bag and hopped in the car.

I drove to my house and put the cash in another show box since last night's cash filled it up.

"I'm doing good man" I smiled a little, looked in the mirror to check my fro and left.

I hopped in the car and started sipping on the 40 from the other day which wasn't as good as it would be if it was new, but I got shit to do instead of goin to get a 40.

I pulled up to the Jefferson rec where one of the drug dealers from yesterday wanted to met me to buy some Bolivia.

"How much you want?" I asked him.

"I only need 1 kilo" He pulled out some stacks.

"It's 30" I looked at him.

"You're trippin" He chuckled.

"And you're trippin if you think you're gonna find any Bolivia Cocaine out here, and if you do it ain't as pure as this" I laughed at him then he grabbed more stacks.

I got the deal done then went back home for a little bit.

I heard a knock at the door so I looked out the window, it was my crackhead ass mother.

"Bruh" I opened the door.

"Baby can I come in?" She had a weak smile on her face and I nodded.

I closed the door behind her then stood in front of it just watching her.

"What?" She gave me a look while pacing around.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"It's getting cold out there baby, and some people are coming for me for some dues I didn't pay" She looked away, I can tell she's high right now as we speak.

"You can't stay here for long I got business going on that will get fucked up if I let you stay" I walked to the kitchen while staring at her.

"But this is MY house" She spoke sternly.

"I'm paying the bills, I'm not even old enough to do it but I pay a little extra hush money. You ain't helping me ma, you been out there smoking crack since I was 8 years old" I looked at her.

"It's your father's fault-".

"Stop blaming him, you can't control a rat and he was trying to get us out. You wasn't doing nothing but smoking up his shit and fuckin his money up ma, I got cheated out of a mom" I grabbed a water bottle then drunk some of it to release some anger.

"You can't say that Lisa" She shouted with tears threatening to fall.

"Yes I can, you wanna know how?" I chuckled then walked up to her.

"I had to figure out what this was by myself" I grabbed my crotch.

"I had to figure out why I have boobs, and I had to figure out how to except it all by myself. And I thought you hated me when I was a kid so I tried my best to save you but YOU left me" I pointed at her then my phone started ringing.

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