Opening Business

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Left Eye pov
Oakland, California
February 5th 1988

I woke up and the first thing I'm supposed to do is sell this weed to Suge and his people, and I'm still trying to figure what they represent.

"How much weed is it?" I asked Dentist.

"I don't think we should be fucking with this Lisa, this is more marijuana then we think" He stood up.

"How much is it Dentist?" I spoke sternly.

"This is a ton worth of marijuana" He lit up a cigarette.

"Why would they want that much weight, how do they have that much money if they just a gang" I laughed.

"$10 million is a lot of money, I mean we're already in a $10 million deal as we speak" He inhaled his cigarette smoke.

"Damn, I thought that shit was only $5" I grabbed my last 40 and guzzled it.

"Are you sure you wanna fuck with this, we only have 7 men and the two of us".

"That's enough to prove to these muthafuckas that we can dominate this shit" I shrugged while taking another sip.

"Alright then, come on" We started loading the marijuana packs into both the trucks and we were on our way.

"Did you ever take the picture he wanted?" Dentist asked me.

~ Flashback ~

"Drop em" I referred to the guns.

I pointed my carbine to his head and motioned the drivers the grab the packages.

"Thing about these fish is that they always gotta be moving. Can't stop for nobody or nothin. If they not moving, they sink to the bottom. Or even worse they a mark, cause somebody always watching, always on that hunt. And if you stayin in one place you real easy to find, move or die" I walked away then turned around and killed all 4 of his men.

He was now crying hysterically like a female.

"Well it looks like you gone die".

"Please don't don't do this man, I got 2 kids and a baby on the way man, I'm supposed to get married soon" He cried even harder.

There's just certain things in life you have to do, not everybody is innocent but nobody's guilty until proven.

I shot his body up and we left the scene.

I grabbed a camera from my pocket then took a picture of his body.

"Let's go".

~ End of Flashback ~

"Yeah, I did" I sighed.

"Don't let that shit eat you up, it's nothing personal".

Yeah, between me and him.

We made it to the meet and when we got there I could tell that this was bigger then a meet.

Might be an ambush.

"So y'all got the marijuana I see, yo Regis" Suge shouted.

"Yeah?" Somebody responded.

"The bag".

He dropped two duffle bags on the floor while some other Bloods unloaded the marijuana.

Dentists men started counting the money which turned out to be good.

Suge walked away and another nigga approached me.

"He was wearing all red with a red bandana on his head.

We introduced ourself and we started talking business.

"We love our community so instead of robbing it, we rob from the opposition's side. When it comes to drugs we're connected with a few blood gangs around the way so we all come up with a cut to pay off the police departments".

"And when its time for war, we always make sure to protect whats ours" He shrugged.

"Sounds like some real shit that I wanna be apart of".

"I run the MOB Pirus, you see my men over there" Harry pointed to where Suge was standing.

"I'm Regis, I run the Elm Street Piru".

"This is Wardell, he runs the Top Tree Pirus down there by downtown compton".

I spoke with each of them for a minute.

"We don't really fuck with the drug trade, we just do it to fuck up what the opposition got goin on" Wardell explained.

"How much are their shipments?" I asked him.

"They only fucking with marijuana right now, if we start fucking with coke we turn it to crack. We turn it to crack we turn it to a billion dollar operation" Harry responded.

"We wanna start with 6 kilos a month" Regis shrugged.

"Aight then, shall we start negotiating?" Wardell sat down.

"You'll send 3 kilos to Elm street in the watts and the other 3 to Elm street in compton tonight" Regis said.

"Sound fine to me" I shook their hands and met every individual in their gang.

I grabbed the money and we left.

"Did you just form an alliance with the piru bloods?" Dentist chuckled.

"I think I just did" I chuckled along with him.

"You're protected now" He shrugged.

We drove back to the motel I got the kilos ready for the shipment.

I sat down on the bed and called Ro.

"Hey baby" I spoke.

"I miss you Lisa, what took so long to call?" She asked me with a soft voice.

"I've been caught up in some business baby" I explained.

"When are you coming back?" She questioned.

"In a week, there's a lot goin on right now but I'm tryna get it done fast".

"What have you been up to?" I asked her tryna switch the subject.

"Nothing really, I've been tryna find work".

"Why don't you just grab some money out the safe?".

"I need to feel like a woman you know, independency" She responded.

"Yeah" I chuckled.

"Well I'll call you soon baby, be safe".

"I love you lisa" She hung up.

I got the kilos to the drop and when I got home I put the $180,000 away.


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