A Ninja's Worth (A Naruto Love Story)

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Hiya guys! Scar here and I just wanted to make this as a dedication to the girl that introduced me to Wattpad. Which I will always be thankful for. Be sure to check out HeavenHika. I absolutely can't thank her enough. Her stories are amazing and so is she. Keep on writing Heaven! And even though, you may or may not watch Naruto, I feel you deserve to be recognized anyways <3


It's funny. How fast you can lose everything but gain so much. I guess I must've been doing something right when I met a handsome blondie in the Leaf village. I was on a mission then. Trying to find a rare herbal medicine for the injured soldiers at home. I never thought I'd feel a damn thing for this boy. But the moment we met, I guess it was destined to happen.

I clumsily snatched the herbs from this pink-haired girl. I didn't have time to be polite or formal, if I didn't hurry, the soldiers would die. I ran and ran through the village. The large tall buildings were hypnotizing. My minuscule village would never amount to something like this, not anytime soon regardless.

Stupidly, I tripped, for the first time ever, and went plummeting to the ground. Warm arms braced me upwards. Those crisp, blue eyes. Those eyes that resembled a clear sky. I'll never forget them. His voice was beautiful. But I didn't show my amazement to him. To be honest, he aggravated me. Distracting me with his good looks. It's pitiful. "Are you okay?" He asked calmly.

"I'm fine, you idiot! I didn't need your help! I could've fallen easily then gotten back up!" I yell. He seemed a bit irked but hell if I cared.

The distress in my eyes must've been noticeable. He scooped up the now trampled herbs. My knees were weak, I struggled to hold myself up. I wanted to scream at him. Blame him for the now loss of many. But this was all my fault. "You look familiar."

I'm not supposed to be recognized! I can't be! As far as anyone knows, Sasuke is the last Uchiha. Sasuke...My voice trembles a bit when I reply. "What do you mean?"

"You remind me of my old teammate. He seemed to have the same dark hair and stubborn expression." I'm not quite sure what he's talking about but I'm about ready to knock him clear across this street when he mutters a name. A name that's famous all over the continent. He said the person's name. The one I've hoped to find. The one I've dreamed of. "Sasuke."

My jaw dropped. I froze in horror. That name. My brother. I grabbed my heart. I've never been able to interact with him. But how I wished I could've. All those restless nights of knowing that I could end all of the trouble he's causing. I snatched the blonde's jacket collar and pulled him down to my face. "How do you know Sasuke?! Where is he?! How do I find him?!"

The pink-haired girl appears behind me and pulls me off of him. My sharingan activates threateningly. "Back the hell off." I growled at her.

I'm struck in the back before I can stop her. Damn it all to hell.. I lose control of my consciousness. I fall and lay on the dirt. My eyes begin to close as I stare at the amber sky and whisper, "Sasuke."

A musty smell is in my nose. My eyes slide open to a small jail cell with a barred window, only releasing a few streaks of light. My wrists ache terribly. They're shackled tightly above my head, almost digging into my flesh. My katana and kunais have been confiscated. My dark, black hair covers my face. I struggle to move it, with no luck whatsoever. Where am I? Have they posed me as a threat or something? Then again, I did react aggressively.

All these people have left me with are my clothes. A pair of black pants, plus my lavender shirt with a deep purple vest on top, and my fishnet sleeves. "Let me out of here! Damn you guys! Release me!" I yell frantically, remembering why I came in the first place. "You bastards don't understand! People's lives are at stake! You have to let me go!" I begin to whimper with despair. "Please! Please! Please..."

It's no use. I don't even bother yelling anymore. No one responds to my cries. My pleas. My demands. My head hangs low with anger and pain. "I hate all of you Leaf bastards!!!!!!"

To my surprise, a handful of Leaf ninja appear in my cell, pull my hands down but leave them chained in front of me, and escort me through many stairs, many passageways until I'm somehow outside of the Hokage's office. My escorts force me on my knees by the door, whispering quietly to each other. I rolled my eyes. What fools.

I hear the voice of the blonde-haired boy, the pink-haired girl, and a voice with fierceness and strength. I assume this is the Hokage everyone speaks of. Her strength, is definitely extraordinary. I can hear her talk over the rest of them. "She's just as dangerous as Sasuke is. I don't think it's best to trust her."

The blondie argues. "She doesn't seem that bad! Give her a chance! Everyone deserves at least one chance!"

"But you don't understand, Naruto!"

Naruto. Seems a bit dorky but kind of nice. I like it. He grows even more angry. "I understand perfectly, Grandma Tsunade!"

I hear pinky pipe in. "Let her talk dammit Naruto!"

I have a feeling me and Pinky might not get along too well. Then again, if they let me live. Because right now, I'm a liability. "Naruto." Tsunade slowly says. "That girl,"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Her name is Sanako Uchiha. She's Sasuke Uchiha's twin sister."

The words hang in the air. The guards step back from me. Their guard raising as they pull out kunai to protect themselves. In an attempt to soothe their worries, I try to hold my hands up as if in surrender.

This stresses them more as one of them plants a firm foot on my hands, smashing them into the ground. I heard them murmur amongst themselves shortly before another one of them forced themselves onto my back, pushing me down, slammed my head into the ground- causing me to see stars for a moment. "O-Ow! Get the hell off of me!"

They acted as if I had made an attempt to escape, or I had tried to slaughter them. I'm not like that. I can understand their worry, but the brutality wasn't necessary. Sasuke has only become violent because of his misguidance.

But I dare not say. I raised my hands and they tackled my ass. I thought sourly to myself. Who knows what the hell they'd do if I tried to have a conversation?

I'm not a violent murderer. I'm not like Sasuke. But I guess no one will listen to that. Will they?

A Ninja's Worth (A Naruto Love Story)[Under editing]Where stories live. Discover now