Chapter 3: My Village

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                                                All because I didn't make it back to the Grass Village, most of the soldiers have perished. It's all my fault. How did I get mixed up in all of this? I mean I know medical ninjutsu, I taught myself it, but the soldiers needed something stronger. But it's all too late now. They're dead. I cannot return knowing that I've failed so many families, so many villagers, so many soldiers.

                                               Naruto has obviously given me a refuge so I don't have to face those disappointed, betrayed faces. I grip my heart. It hurts, knowing I'm responsible for their deaths. But it doesn't matter now, I'm a step closer to finding Sasuke. My brother. I wonder what he's doing. Why he's doing what he is. I only wish to speak to him. Just for a few moments. To help him see the light.

                                               I'm interrupted by Naruto dragging me out of the Hokage's office. "C'mon! You must be starving! I think Ichiraku is almost open! Let's go!"

                                            The sky is lit up with a small gleam of sunrise. Had they kept me in there from dusk til' dawn? It felt shorter. As he drags me, it finally hits me. We're jogging down the street when I ask, "What the hell is an 'Ichiraku'?"

                                          Naruto laughs and shouts. "Only the best place ever! Their ramen is amazing!"

                                          He starts to spaz out and jumps on roof to roof. I follow only because he has me by my hand. At some point, I'm gazing off into space. Wondering where Sasuke could possibly be. This world is vast, there's no way I'd ever be able to find him. Naruto's hand leaves mine and I'm not prepared. I fall, I could stop myself. Obviously I could, but my mind seems to go flat. I don't scream, I don't do anything. I just freeze.

                                         Again, I'm saved by the blonde boy. He catches me just as I almost hit the hard ground. His orange and black jumpsuit is definitely something I can't ignore. I actually think it's cute. He pats my face slightly and I return to reality. He smiles and says proudly. "We made it! Just at they opened!"

                                        Who knew someone could get so excited over ramen? We walk over and an old man greets Naruto. Naruto introduces me and I smile politely. Shortly after, two bowls of steaming ramen are set in front of us. My mouth floods with saliva. It looks and smells awesome. I pick up my chopsticks and slurp up a few noodles. My eyes open wide. "It IS amazing! You were right!"

                                        "I told ya! It's delicious, dattebayo!"

                                         I gulp down the steamy broth and slurp the rest of my noodles. I sigh with content. "You like it huh?" He asks. As if he needed to.

                                        I get sort of defensive, I turn away and blush. "I've tasted better."

                                        He laughs happily. He pays and we step away and rest on a bench. "Sanako." I nod slightly. "Why didn't you come to the Leaf sooner?"

                                        "I never had a reason to. I never knew Sasuke was here." I clenched my fist. "But if I would've, he probably wouldn't be like he is now."

                                        Naruto rests his hand on mine. "It's not your fault, Sanako. It's mine." I turn my head slightly. "I didn't try hard enough. I wasn't strong enough. I promised Sakura-chan I'd bring him back and I failed. But I know, he'll be back. He has to be. Now that we know he has a sister."

                                        "Why'd he leave?" I ask bluntly. "Sorry if it's too much to say."

                                         "Power consumed him. And with his thirst for power, came the evil drowning him."

                                         I can't believe he became like that. I can't believe this. I bite my lip hard. "Do you love Sakura?" Why was I nervous over asking such a thing? Why was I asking this?

                                         He laughs indifferently. "I don't really know anymore. She's in love with Sasuke and I'm not gonna try to compete with that. So I guess not."

                                          I let that topic fall to rest. "Do you really believe we can save Sasuke? I've tried searching for him, several times in fact, but I had no luck."

                                          Naruto grabs both my hands and holds them tightly. "I believe anyone, absolutely anyone, can still have a chance in life."

A Ninja's Worth (A Naruto Love Story)[Under editing]Where stories live. Discover now