Chapter 8: It's Really Sasuke.. My Brother...

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                                                He's handsome. He looks a lot like our father Fugaku. I can hardly believe that this is the first time I've ever seen him. My dear Sasuke. I shut my gaping and bounce easily to my feet, a bit too quirky for this situation. I examine him while he does the same. I smile lovingly, how I longed for this moment my whole life. Sasuke gives me a disgusted look. "You're a liar." He says coldly. He unsheaths his katana and I do the same. Our blades clash and we're now face to face.

                                               "Sasuke! I'm not lying! That is your twin sister, Sanako! Just listen to me damn it!" Naruto yells. Oh no. I forgot, he needs medical aid. I'll have to distract Sasuke. I grip the blade tightly. This isn't the brother-sister moment I had imagined. 

                                                All of those years of training and relentless searching are about to be put into play. I hold him there until I slip my katana down, crouch quickly and nail Sasuke in the stomach. He goes flying to the left while I run over to Naruto. Kneeling beside him, I tend to his minor injuries and making it so he can at least move. I help him up just as Sasuke recomposes himself. "If you're an Uchiha as you say, prove it! Show me your mangekyou!"  

                                                I had never activated mine. I bite my lip. The best I can do is show him my sharingan. My eyes flutter closed for a second, then they flash open, exposing my basic sharingan. "I knew you were a fake." I open my mouth to protest but then he's standing right between me and Naruto.

                                               Before I can even look Sasuke has a blue, wild ball of lightning in his hand. He jumps a bit into the air and slams his hand into the ground. I realize quickly what he's going to do and I toss Naruto up into the trees. 

                                               The lightning is surging through my body, coursing through my veins. Every ounce of electricity is torturous. There's an immense amount of pain. Once again, me and the dirt on the ground meet. My body is sprawled on clumps of dirt. I have to ignore the pain and stand up. Naruto needs me. Despite my efforts, I am unable to move a muscle except for the ones in my head. "D-Damn it..." I grit my teeth.

                                               Sasuke is standing just in front of me again. Only now I cannot defend myself. I stare into his cold, eyes. "Die you counterfeit Uchiha."

                                              I struggle to get to my feet. There's plentiful numbness inside of me. My mind is screaming at my body to move. Naruto leaps from the trees with an even brighter than chidori ball. It's amazing. I've heard of that move but even if I hadn't Naruto was about to introduce it to me. "RASENGAN!!" He shouted.

                                              Naruto slams the ball into Sasuke's abdomen and pins him against a tree. "Snap out of it Sasuke! That's your very own!"

                                              Sasuke is enraged. "Quit lying to me! You want to tell me that worthless creature is my sister! I don't have one! I only had Itachi, so stop lying to me!"

                                            I remember Itachi. He had never told Sasuke about me, though I pleaded for him to. Itachi insisted it was for the best. But it's obviously counterproductive now.

                                             The feeling comes back. God, my body hurts so much. I shake it off and rise to my feet. I almost go to intervene until Sasuke says, " I can't believe you! Trying to lie to me for your own selfish needs! This is pathetic Naruto!!!"

                                               Why can't he accept this is real? I think of one way I can try to show him. I turn my back and point to my Uchiha crest. "Sasuke! I'm real, you are my brother! Please believe me!" I shout while looking at him.

                                             Sasuke grows enraged. "You bastard!" I jolt back in surprise. Wha..? "How dare you mock the Uchiha with your petty games!!? I'll bring you to your knees!!!"

                                            I face him just as he shoves Naruto aside and pulls out his katana. "Right after I finish him!!"

                                            I'll forever regret this moment.. I shut my eyes then let them flash open. I can feel my basic sharingan consumed by my mangekyou. "Amaterasu!!!"  It's burning my eye, it feels like the fire is on me. Blood drips from my right eye as I light the handle of his blade on fire.  He drops it in a matter of seconds. Sasuke's surprised, Naruto's surprised, and I'm ashamed. 

                                            Naruto jolts up and backflips to me. I drop my Amaterasu, wipe the blood  and hold my eye for a moment, panting from the energy it took. I stand up tall again. "Stay here Naruto. I'm going to do something.."

                                            I slowly step towards Sasuke. This is one of my main things, that I've always dreamed of doing... He's afraid for himself and shoots his chidori through my left side, hoping it'll stop me. I wince at the pain but keep moving forward. I feel the blood dripping but I keep moving. "Sanako stop!" I can hear Naruto yell.

                                           "Just trust me!" I shout back. His chidori switches to my upper right arm. I'm almost there. I hold my arms out and keep moving to him. "Sasuke," He pulls out his katana and shoves it through my right side. I step, despite the sword now impaling me, I step forward two more steps,  and hold him close to my body. "I've searched. For years. Just to do this. Just to hold you and feel like the sister I am. Sasuke, I know these years have been so bad for you, so horrible." Tears begins to stream down my face and I squeeze him tighter. "I wanted to stay with you, guide you, protect you. I've been a terrible sister, I know. But though I haven't been with you, I've always loved you though."

                                            I can hardly see anymore. My blood loss was so immense. There's a black wave. And once I plummeted backwards towards the ground, the black wave crashes on me, drowning me. Then there's only the black.

A Ninja's Worth (A Naruto Love Story)[Under editing]Where stories live. Discover now