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It was early morning when a truck filled with soldiers pulled up to the Slifer dorm. Professor Banner exited his room. "Who's playing war at this time of day?" He wondered. He looked up to see the soldiers rapidly ascending the steps. "Oh no, it's the Disciplinary Action Squad! They only show up when a student is in serious trouble, and they're heading right for Aira and Syrus room!"

Up on the top floor of the Slifer Dorm a woman wearing a green beret and military uniform with a black cape was standing in front of Aira's room, while in front of Syrus's door was a man with a similar uniform as the woman minus the cape, but with a pin that showed that he was second-in-command of the Disciplinary Action Squad.

Inside the room the female Slifer are sleeping peacefully until forceful knocks were heard along with: "Open up! Open this door right now! Or we'll bust it down!" A woman's voice ordered.

Aira sat up still half asleep before murmuring "Is that so? You and what army?"

"The Disciplinary Action Squad army!" The same voice yelled.

"Oh boy." Sakuyamon sigh.

"Look like Mokuba was right." Yubel said.

"This isn't going to be good." Tsukimon informed.

That got Aira's immediate attention as she got out of bed immediately to open up to see an angry military woman.

"You must be Aira Judai Yuki, I take it that's Syrus Truesdale and Chumley Huffington." The woman said pointing to the small bluenette and big guy. "Now the three of you get dressed! You're all under campus arrest." The woman said in an authoritative voice.

"What'd we do?" Syrus asked.

"That all be made clear at the interrogation." The woman said.

After arriving, they walked near the interrogation room inside the school and there Aira and Syrus standing there.

Syrus was freaked out while Aira had a tired look while walking.


"SUSPENDED?!" The Syrus and Chumley exclaimed, Syrus a little more loudly.

Aira was quite she knew this already and accepted it.

The three Slifers were now standing in a dark, large, circular room with the light shining on them and three giant TV screens above them, each one with a different person on them. The three were Dr. Crowler, Chancellor Sheppard, and the woman from the D.A.S.

"That's why I suggest," the D.A.S. woman replied, "You three have trespassed into the Abandoned Dorm in the woods, which is strictly forbidden, and we have received an anonymous letter from a faculty member and an eyewitness who backs it up. You three must be punished to make an example for all the students!"


Everyone turned to the female Slifer. "How would that faculty member know that anyone was out there?" She growled. "What proof do they have?! How can you believe a letter without any pictures or evidence?!"

At that point, Crowler began to sweat.

Slifer and her dragons growled at the cross dresser guy dangerously to kill.

"I knew it!" Aira let out a louder growled which surprised some people. "Fine if your going but a punishment than suspend me only?"

Syrus and Chumley gasped, "What?! But Ai!"

"You know Aira your UNCLES and AUNTIES aren't going to be happy." Sheppard pointed out.

[Discontinued] Aira Judai Yuki AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now